As anyone who has ever seen a total Solar Eclipse can testify, it’s an awe-inspiring natural spectacle. As we head into a Solar Eclipse in Cancer, however, it’s worth remembering that a Solar Eclipse is also a highly significant astrological event.
What is a Solar Eclipse?
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Earth, Moon and Sun form a Moon sandwich – the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun in such a way that the Moon briefly blocks out some (or all) of the Sun’s light. In astrological terms, a Solar Eclipse is always a New Moon (a Lunar Eclipse occurs during a Full Moon) – a Sun-Moon conjunction – but the astrological effects of a Solar Eclipse are much more powerful than the regular New Moons.
Although we tend to think of Solar Eclipses as being rare, there are actually at least two every single year – but not all of them are total. Nevertheless, a total Solar Eclipse does occur approximately every 18 months. The reason we consider them so rare is probably because each total Solar Eclipse is only viewable from part of the world, so to see a total Solar Eclipse from any given location is rare. For example, the last time a total Solar Eclipse was viewable from New York was in 1925, and the next one won’t be until 2079. This perceived rarity, coupled with the magical effect of total darkness during a total Solar Eclipse, is largely what gives these eclipses their awe-inspiring reputation.
What is the Astrological Significance of a Solar Eclipse?
Because Solar Eclipses – even ones which aren’t total – can be so dramatic to view, it’s easy to understand why our ancestors attributed great astrological significance to them. In modern astrology, we also view Solar Eclipses as major astrological events. They tend to bring shocks and surprises, although these are often less emotionally painful than those reflected in Lunar Eclipses.
The events surrounding a Solar Eclipse may wreak temporary havoc with our lives, but once the dust has settled we often find that a Solar Eclipse has actually brought us opportunity and possibility, rather than destruction or chaos.
You won’t experience drama during every Solar Eclipse – to be affected by the Eclipse in your personal life, it will need to be in a part of the sky which is highly relevant in your own personal cosmic natal chart. So, don’t be too surprised if an Eclipse seems to leave your life largely untouched; your time is coming.
On a wider stage, like with Lunar Eclipses, Solar Eclipses almost always have geopolitical implications, often major ones. As these things take time to unfurl, however, the true significance of events which take place on or near the moment of the Eclipse may not be evident at the time.
What Does the Solar Eclipse in Cancer Mean?
This particular Solar Eclipse during the midpoint of the year is an annular eclipse. This means that the Moon’s orbit is not quite right for it to block the Sun’s disk totally, so those lucky enough to be able to see this eclipse will see a ring of light remaining as the Moon moves across the Sun. The Solar Eclipse occurs in the zodiac sign of Cancer, just hours after the June solstice, at zero degrees Cancer constellation.
Because Cancer as a zodiac sign is associated with sensitivity, nurturing, protection, family and security in astrology, astrologers say all of these are issues which are likely to be triggered by events surrounding this Solar Eclipse. Solar Eclipses also have a connection to the past, and in particular to events we were experiencing 19 years ago – this is because an Eclipse repeats in almost exactly the same degree of the same zodiac sign once very 19 years. In astrology, the cardinal sign Cancer is also connected to roots, ancestry and the past, to this particular Eclipse could well involve events which bring the past back to life in some manner.
How Will the Cancer Solar Eclipse Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
In astrology, each astro sign will experience the Cancer Solar Eclipse slightly differently, and some signs will be much more affected than others – it all depends on the individual’s natal chart and on what other planetary activity is triggering the chart at the same time.
Aries Zodiac Sign (Aries Dates: March 20 – April 19) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
Unexpected family revelations may be shocking in the first instance, Aries, but it’s easy enough to find joy and celebration in the news if you care to look. Don’t be too quick to consider something a crisis without first looking for the good news hidden within. If you’re hoping to move home, events may move very quickly around the Eclipse date.
Taurus Zodiac Sign (Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
Gossip and innuendo can cause problems for you as this Eclipse and New Moon take hold. Don’t believe everything you read and certainly don’t repeat it to others. Likewise, take care with your social media privacy and be careful who you trust with personal information. Not everyone has your bests interests at heart.
Gemini Zodiac Sign (Gemini Dates: May 21 – June 20) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon activate your money zone, so you may experience unexpected financial news – not necessarily bad. This is likely to change your perspective regarding money, in either a positive or a negative way. Don’t make major financial decisions until the dust has settled, and then seek expert advice before doing anything at all with money you can’t afford to lose.
Cancer Zodiac Sign (Cancer Dates: June 21 – July 21) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
A Solar Eclipse in your own sign is highly significant and has strong connections to where you were 19 years ago – think back to this period for insight as to what to expect now. A major life shake up is on the way. This can be distressing, because change can be painful, but if you look for the positive elements in the new beginnings of this change, they are plain to see.
Leo Zodiac Sign (Leo Dates: July 22 – August 22) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
This Solar Eclipse and New Moon activate your spiritual zone and warns you of the dangers of ego and pride, both of which you sometimes struggle with. Check your motives for spiritual development. If you’re simply trying to gain attention from others, or to show off, you’re likely to be severely impeded now. If something restrains or sets back your spiritual development, think about why this might be.
Virgo Zodiac Sign (Virgo Dates: August 23 – September 22) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
Friendships and teams come under the spotlight of this Solar Eclipse and New Moon, which can bring breakthroughs in your social life – or breakups. Whether you’re gaining more friends or losing them, events surrounding this eclipse are likely to underscore the importance of friendship in your life. Reach out to others and know that you are never alone.
Libra Zodiac Sign (Libra Dates: September 23 – October 22) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
Your ambitions zone is a significant place for this Solar Eclipse to hit and it does suggest significant developments in your ambitions or your working life. You may have to take on unexpected responsibility or take charge during a crisis – remember, this is an opportunity in disguise, no matter how stressful it may seem at the time.
Scorpio Zodiac Sign (Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
Your version of truth may come under question during the Solar Eclipse and New Moon. Don’t be surprised if you have to verbally fight for what you believe in, or defend your opinions. Try to stay away from keyboard warriors and definitely don’t be drawn into real life face-to-face fights. You’re entitled to believe whatever you want, but don’t expect others to necessarily welcome that fact.
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign (Sagittarius Dates: November 22 – December 20) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon trigger a great deal of soul searching on your part, Sagittarius, but this is an opportunity to face past trauma head on and to finally start to heal. Events from 19 years ago may resurface and wound you once more, but the key is to not be afraid. Face these things head on, with genuine sincerity, and you should emerge from this stronger.
Capricorn Zodiac Sign (Capricorn Dates: December 21 – January 19) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse activates your relationship zone, Capricorn, so there could well be some drama in your love life around this time. It’s not necessarily negative – you may fall head over heels in love! But whatever happens, there’s a deeper, karmic connection here between you and the other person concerned. Cherish that, Capricorn, even if love is going badly, because you were meant to experience one another.
Aquarius Zodiac Sign (Aquarius Dates: January 20– February 17) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
With this Solar Eclipse and New Moon hitting your health zone, Aquarius, be on the look out for signs that you’re overdoing it, particularly mentally or emotionally. You’re being urged to seek help, especially for depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions. The Eclipse highlights a darkness in your life, but it also shows you how you can clear that away with self-care and allow the sunlight to flood in once more.
Pisces Zodiac Sign (Pisces Dates: February 18 – March 19) During the Cancer Solar Eclipse
Creatively, the Solar Eclipse brings you an incredible gift and a huge opportunity, Pisces – but you’ll need to be brave enough to seize it. You’re largely confined in a self-imposed rut, so this won’t be easy, and you may struggle with the concept emotionally. However, if you can take this chance now, you’ll reap rewards from it. It’s time. And, Pisces, you’re ready.
*Note: The exact date and time of the Cancer Solar Eclipse will differ depending on your timezone. This planet update was published the day before the Cancer Solar Eclipse in Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the year 2020, which was June 21, 2020 @ 02:21 AM.