Libra and Aquarius Compatibility (Libra dates: September 23 - October 22; Aquarius dates: January 20 - February 17)
Do Libra and Aquarius make a good match? This is really a match made in astrology heaven! When two air signs meet, the world stops for a moment, just so you can take each other in. You’ll likely meet through mutual friends (of which you both have many), or perhaps you were best friends.
Or, you’ll meet at a social event like a party, where you flirted up a storm. However it went, the rest is history. You knew, the moment you started chatting, that you had met someone on your mental level at last; someone as free-spirited and loving of life as you are, Libra!
This relationship will be characterized by the fact that you are best friends as well as lovers. Your Aquarius brings the buddy-buddy part in, Libra, and you bring the romance. Your bond has every chance of being a long-lasting dance of companionship and sweetness, all rolled into one.
But, wait – are there any problems? Well, if you count being too easy-going as a problem, then yes! Being such unpossessed and trusting people, neither of you have a jealous bone in your body. And, you are flirts. Big flirts. You being the most flirty of them all, Libra.
So, just be careful that you both don’t flirt your way out of the relationship! Have some rules, Libra, that makes your relationship a safe place.
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Libra and Aquarius Dating Compatibility:
Are Libra and Aquarius Soulmates? Yes, you are. You really are, Libra. You have finally met someone who seems to know and understand your soul, and you theirs. You just get each other, and there’s no shortage of chemistry and attraction, no matter how long you’ve been together.
The dating phase will be the most delicious of all the phases, though in all honesty, it’ll seldom fade, even years into your relationship. In the beginning, however, sparks will fly, and you’ll want to spend every waking moment with each other.
Libra, you will bring in the romance that Aquarius never knew they needed! You show them the joy of affection, sweetness and seduction. You’ll swish them off to the finest restaurants, and make them love spending one on one time with you, where previously they always hung out with the group.
You’ll also share your time and energy generously with your friends. Libra. Both you and Aquarius are ultra-social, which means that you love having a crowd around you. You don’t cling to each other or fall off the social map, which makes your friends very happy indeed!
Really, the only question here is when you’re going to choose to make it serious. Libra? Don’t miss the chance and opportunity to have the person of your dreams, the one who has made you realize how love really should be.
Libra and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility:
Can Libra and Aquarius marry? The real question is – when is the date? Not that marriage actually matters to the two of you. Your Aquarius lover is usually quite the independent one, and they may take a while to make sure that you're never going to take that away from them.
They will come to learn, Libra, that you won’t ever do that. After some time, you’ll see why they call Aquarius one of the most committed zodiac signs out there. As a fixed zodiac sign, Aquarius is reliable and loves to have a best friend for life. That’s what you are to them, Libra.
And they are your best friend, too – as well as your lover. They are your PIC (partner in crime), and it’s as if the two of you stay forever young, no matter how many years you are married! You’ll always have loads of friends around you and opportunities to enjoy the pleasures of life together.
You’ll usually be faithful, too, though at times you may cross a line, so do be respectful of each other, Libra. Just because Aquarius gives you all that glorious independence, doesn’t mean you should take advantage of it. And the same goes for them.
Being air signs of the zodiac, you’ll naturally have communication on your side. You’ll always be able to “talk it out”, and find a way to agree. This really helps with your Aquarian spouse’s stubbornness, Libra. They can be infuriatingly all-knowing and even have a god-complex. Luckily, you have all the negotiation skills you need to bring them down a notch and not rock the boat!
What you’ll need to work on, Libra, is your emotional connection. If you are both very weak in this element, you may talk too much and feel too little. You may even shy away from discomfort and disharmony, afraid of what emotions can bring up.
Libra and Aquarius Compatibility in Bed:
Are Libra and Aquarius sexually compatible? Your mental compatibility will ensure that you have the best physical chemistry, too, Libra! You’ll find that your Aquarius lover is someone who is experimental, open and likes to do things differently.
Luckily, you are more than happy to oblige, Libra. You may even take the lead sometimes, though Aquarius will never catch on! Together you go out of your way to make sex fun and interesting, though it’s important that you keep the emotional passion alive, too.
When Libra and Aquarius Relationship Breaks Up:
How does Libra and Aquarius move on after a breakup? Both of you should move on fairly easily, relatively speaking. Of course, you will mourn and ache for each other, but the honest truth is that you won’t break up unless it’s a very dire situation. You are so naturally compatible that it takes a disaster to pull you apart!
You both may even move into new people quite fast. it’ll hurt, but you can’t really point fingers if you’re doing the same thing, Libra. You may also find your ex Aquarius very, very cold and strangely and suddenly friend-zoning you. They do have that remarkable ability to literally turn their feelings off, which may leave your head spinning!
Business Compatibility:
Libra and Aquarius Compatibility in Business:
Does Libra and Aquarius have compatibility when it comes to work? You have compatibility everywhere, Libra! Your Aquarius colleague will, no doubt, be your very best friend at work, Your work-wife, or husband, so to speak! Together you’ll get up to all sorts of after-work mischief, and you know just how to turn the fun volume to high!
The problem is, Libra – will you ever get any work done? You may need to watch the chat-o-meter to make sure that you’re still productive.
Friendship Compatibility:
Libra and Aquarius Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Libra and Aquarius good friends? You are the very, very best friends that friends could possibly ever be, Libra! You just to make sure that there is no sexual chemistry between you, because otherwise, you won’t be friends for very long!
You will share many a fun experience together, and it’s likely you have a large circle around you that you absolutely love. You’re not stingy with your time and energy, and you have a lot to give each other and the rest of your tribe. Because, make no mistake, Libra, you will have a large community around you at all times!
Being extraverted, you share the same interests, and you also love, love, love to chat the night away. This really is a match made in friendship heaven, Libra.
Family Compatibility:
Libra Parent and Aquarius Child Compatibility:
Are Libra and Aquarius compatible when it comes to family? Aquarius parents are great, Libra- everyone wants one. You may not see it, but to have such a free-spirited, open-minded, wise and philosophical parent is a gift. Yes, they are stubborn, arrogant and possibly neglectful (and obsessed with their ideas), but on the whole, you should get along beautifully.
An Aquarius child is special, Libra. They are from an alternate universe, and they march to the beat of their own drum. Never try and make them “play nice” or please anyone – they will rebel. They’ll probably rebel anyway, because that’s just how they are, Libra. Good luck.
Libra and Aquarius Sibling Compatibility:
How do Libra and Aquarius siblings match up in the family environment? The truth is, it’ll most likely be the two of you against everyone else, Libra! If not when you’re small, then certainly when you grow up. You’re a little team of pure mischief, and your poor parents will have many a grey hair from your escapades!
That’s not to say that you won’t have your arguments, of course. You are air signs of the zodiac, after all, and your Aquarius sibling is frustratingly arrogant at times. Yet, you love that they are so wise and grow up to be your confidant and best buddy, Libra.
Libra and Aquarius Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Libra human and an Aquarius pet get along? Aquarius pets are fabulous, Libra. They are completely independent and belong to no one but themselves. They all have cat souls, whatever their bodies are. They are also very weird and have quirks that no other pet has!
Give them their space and never, ever try and suffocate them, Libra. You’ll only create drama, and probably get them to run away. Treat them right, and they will be your bestie for life, guaranteed.
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Libra and Aquarius Compatibility