Yikes! The Saturn Pluto conjunction is finally upon us. And around the world, astrologers are at the edge of their seats, eager to see the changes promised by this cosmic alignment. It's been building for over a year, as Saturn, the planet of karma has danced around Pluto, the planet of transformation; teasing him, but never quite coming into perfect contact. That’s all set to change, however, because on January 12, these two titans meet in an almighty reckoning.
Astrology is a tricky thing though, because although there may be a happening or two around the days preceding and just after, the events indicated by these two planets may take a year or so to unfold, and only by the end of 2020 will you see the immense shifts that have been created. The astrology says that globally, traditions and crumbling old systems will be called up for review, and on a personal level, we’ll be doing the same thing – examining our lives and doing away with things that just aren’t in our best interest any longer.
To understand how this is going to affect you personally, keep on reading, dear one:
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
Are you ready, Aries? Like, really ready? Sure, you are – you were born ready, right? Wrong. Even you, astrology's brave warrior, will have to bear down and grit your teeth as this conjunction gathers in your professional zone, bringing to a head events that have been building for a year or so, and you may have to face the mightiest of showdowns. The truth is, you’re going to have to say goodbye to one thing (at least) in order for another thing to exist. A blood sacrifice is what the cosmos is demanding of you – your very own blood, sweat and tears. How far do you wanna push it? How high are you willing to climb? Where do you draw the line and how are you going to handle the power coming your way, Aries, as well as the power struggles? Authority has never been your strong point, so rein in that temper and proceed with the greatest of caution. There now, easy does it.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
The truth is, Taurus, belief systems can be useful, but only when they serve you and help you to live your best life ever. When you have a set of beliefs that hold you back, limit you, break you down psychically, emotionally or physically, then they’re no longer good for you. They’re simply outworn, old ways of thinking that life is supposed to be painful and full of suffering. You have a choice now, with this planetary alignment, to shed and get rid of traditions that are archaic and harmful so you can transform your life and outlook for the better. The power is in your hands. Astrology says that some of you may reach a high point in your studies or learning – and now that crunch time arrives, you have to decide where to go from here. Once again, the choice is yours to believe and hold onto what works for you and release what doesn’t.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21– June 20)
You’re getting the short end of the stick, Gemini, with this conjunction occurring in your transformation zone. Right? This can totally be a good thing, depending on how you look at it. There may be some crisis that arises, financially, romantically or personally, and empowering yourself through it, taking control of your life, is the key. If you can do this, well, you can do pretty much anything. Loss can be expected; emotional upheaval, to be sure, and you might have to let go of an investment you’ve made, be it business or personal. Life ain’t always easy nor is it straightforward, Gemini, but if you put your sharp mind to this, you have the ability to turn your life upside down in a way that opens new doors for you. The immediate advice? Be prepared for a blow up when it comes to money, debt or shared investments. After it’s all done, pick up the rubble and start again.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
Sweet Cancer. It’s going to take all your considerable emotional strength to weather this particular storm, but you can do it. You’ve been building up for so long now, this cosmic conjunction shouldn’t hit you by surprise, and let’s face it – you’ve known all along what you need to do, and now it’s about actually doing it. Letting go isn’t easy, and those crabby pincers of yours are holding on for dear life, but now it’s time to let go of a toxic situation and move on. Yes, move on. Release that relationship. Or change it. It can’t be the same way anymore, says astrology, and you know this. It's time for self-discipline and a new cycle. If you have to step up your game, then step it up and put a ring on it – or get a ring put on. Either way, pick a side and stick to it, and don’t take no for an answer. Do away with how you always thought things would be and embrace how they are actually are – traditions are crumbling and it’s not like your mama’s day anymore. Times, they have a-changed and you’ll have to release certain expectations to be happier in your relationships.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 - August 22)
Have you been taking care of yourself in the last year or so, Leo? Like, are you eating well, sleeping regularly, exercising enough – and not piling on the stress? If so, then you have very little to worry about. This astrological conjunction can simply indicate that you need to shift your lifestyle even more to truly incorporate good, happy, and healthy routines into your daily world. After all, who doesn’t love starting their day with a few yoga stretches, a greeting to the bright sun and a glass of kombucha? If you haven’t been keeping on the straight and narrow, well, Leo, events will speak for themselves. And you may be forced to release bad habits that just don’t have a place in your life anymore, no matter how much of a tradition it is to guzzle five beers straight after work every Friday. The truth is, your body needs you, your work needs you and you need you. Things can shift drastically in your working environment too, and that can be for the better, if you learn to delegate, take responsibility and have self-discipline. Which you usually have no problem with, right?
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
You ready for this, Virgo? Things can hit a bit of a crescendo with this conjunction climaxing in your romance, children, and passion zone. Also, the astrological sector of your self-expression, which, if you have to be honest, has probably been lacking a lil’ over the last year or so. You’re not feeling very expressive, creative or sexy, and romance-related matters have felt ever-so-serious. The good news is that this astrological transit doesn’t last forever, and the bad news is that you’re going to have to shift some things in the next year or so to make more room for pleasure. If you have kids, this could be crunch time and boundaries are super important, or else you’re going to just be run over. You could be worried more than usual over your babies – real or creative – and astrology says now’s a time of reckoning. Maybe it’s time to toss away the old and bring in the new; after all, discipline just isn’t the same as it was in your parent’s day. Things have changed, and you have to change too.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Libra (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
Oh Libra, sadly, you’re not gonna get to run away from this one. Even you can’t calm the savage beast symbolized by this conjunction, and you’ll just have to confront the stuff you’ve probably been avoiding for a year. Talking ain’t gonna cut it anymore, and action is your only avenue. Time to lay down the law, Libra, in your home, your space and with your family – and perhaps you’ll have to walk away from a relationship that is simply breaking you down. It’s a time to say goodbye, but perhaps it won’t be forever, as you just renegotiate your boundaries and return with a workable solution – one that doesn’t make you feel like a doormat. Some of you may relocate, which could change your life irrevocably – and it’s up to you to decide if this is a good thing. A Saturn-Pluto conjunction in your zone of endings does ask for a rebirth, a new cycle, whichever way you look at it.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
Out of all the signs, you, dear Scorpio, probably will have the easiest time of this Saturn-Pluto transit. Because, let’s face it, you just love yourself a bit of drama, and watching it happen to other people is totally your idea of a good time. However, do make time to attend to your own crises, as this powerful conjunction meets in the zone that speaks to your sibling relationships and the way that you communicate. It may be that a particular sibling – or even another family member – just rubs you the wrong way for the last time, and you let loose a barrage of fury that you’ve been stoking all year, waiting for the right moment to unleash. This is an important moment of reckoning, Scorpio, seeing as whatever you say now will lead to unforeseen consequences, and even your farsightedness may not be completely prepared for the outcome. Perhaps a relationship can be transformed – or maybe you don’t speak for the rest of the year. Try not to isolate yourself completely, Scorpio, and get the help you need to talk through whatever’s happening in your head.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
Are the numbers tallying up, Sagittarius? Have you been a good girl or a good boy, and watched the cents while the dollars watched themselves? If you have, give yourself a pat on the back, because as this stormy conjunction meets in your financial sector, you may be in for a bumpy ride when it comes to your money. You were warned, you know. The signs have been there for the last year. If you chose to ignore them by escaping into a book or the bottle, you’ll have to deal with the consequences and take – let’s just say it –responsibility. Yes, responsibility, Sagittarius. It’s the material adulting is made from. Your resources are about to be completely turned upside down, and you’re either looking at making a massive investment, or trying to manage one. It all just feels like a lot, and true, it would be nice to get on a plane and pretend that this is all a bad dream. But that won’t help, will it?
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
Okay, Capricorn, it’s your moment. Your cosmic moment, where all the preparation you’ve been doing over the last year reaches a high point, and this is when you get to change your life. Yes, you heard right. Change your life. That means your trajectory – professional and personal – your own path ahead, your future. Where you’re going, where you want to go and who you want to be. This might entail a new career, a new environment, more responsibility, more authority. And after what the cosmos has put you through lately, that stress has transformed you and made you ready for this. Now just to grind yourself into action, baby! As they say, diamonds are forged under immense pressure, and this is the year where you sparkle, shine and glow. It won’t come easy, and there will be a reckoning, a sacrifice to be made – something has to be destroyed, says this conjunction, so that the new you, a new cycle, can form. This is big, Capricorn, and you know it. So, own it.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
All that mucky psychological baggage that has been coming up for you lately, Aquarius, is now ready to be shed, with this conjunction. And you’ll have to face that inner darkness without fear – in fact, you’ll have to love yourself as fiercely as possible now. Because no one can face their shadows with hatred and survive psychically. You have to gather your resources, tune into your heart and turn to face the dark; letting it come at you, knowing you have all the resources you need to integrate all your polarities – good and bad, dark and light, pretty and ugly. This work is going to be done on the inside, and nobody but you will really know the internal transformation that will take place. Your soul is ready for an evolution, and once you’ve shed the karmic crap, you’ll be able to take this cosmic knowledge and share it with the world, helping other people to do the same. This is happening for a reason, and the thing you can most look forward to, dear Aquarius, is the sweet, sweet feeling of liberation.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
The thing, or things, you’ve been dreaming of for the last year now can manifest, but only with extremely hard work. It’s with your very own efforts, that you’ll be able to achieve your most dearly cherished ideals this year, Pisces. You’ve been working slowly and steadily towards goals, and there’s already been so much progress. Keep going, dear heart, even if the load feels oh-so-heavy to carry. You’re so much stronger than you think, you know. Get ready to release those dreams that have no place in your life anymore or have outworn themselves. Like a child tossing out a beloved toy, kiss them goodbye and turn to face the future. In the process, be okay with releasing certain people from your life – friendships that are there for convenience but nothing more. There are more people waiting in the wings for you who are aligned to who you are, and who you’re becoming.