You’ve got to be wondering what your year ahead has in store for you – because who wouldn’t?
We tend to set New Year’s resolutions and goals often without knowing what’s coming.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be in tune with your Destiny so that you could manifest your best life?
What has Astrology got to do with Destiny, you may be asking, and where does Free Will come in?
Well, from the perspective of the stars and planets, life is a mixture of Destiny and Free Will.
For example, your yearly forecast might indicate a time where career themes are coming up for you – where you may receive a promotion or change your career direction.
However, it’s up to you to take that window of opportunity.
Or to leave it alone.
You always have a choice.
Thus, Destiny is not necessarily fixed.
Astrological prediction is like weather prediction – there is a high chance of rain, so would you like to take an umbrella – or dance in the rain?
Your Destiny Report will show you all the rainy parts, cloudy patches and sunny skies.
You’ll be blessed with knowing the best times to start or end something – be it a relationship, relocation or career step.
In this way, Astrology actually becomes quite empowering, wouldn’t you say?
With Astrology on your side, you can end up in the right place at exactly the right time.
Getting into the flow with the Universe has never been quite this easy.
Your Destiny Report also holds the power to set any anxiety you have at ease, helping you to feel calmer about what the year ahead holds for you.
In your report, you’ll find your career energies laid out for you, as well as your financial prospects, your lucky moments, tough patches and romantic forecast.
That, and much more, will be at your fingertips.
Think of this as a handy roadmap, a map that has the ability to show you where to go and what situations will lie ahead of you, so that you can make the best choices for yourself and your own life.
Imagine having no more painful surprises – no more doubt or stress, just a confident inner knowledge that you’re on the right path, the path that you were always meant to walk…
Often, we look back in time and wish we had made different decisions.
That we had walked through a certain door of opportunity.
Or perhaps walked away from a certain situation.
Think about the feeling of looking back and not sitting with that regret?
Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Wouldn’t it be good to know that you seized the right opportunities, at the right time?
There’s nothing quite like that feeling of knowing that everything’s worked out – even the tough times seem like they were necessary for you to get where you are right now, or where you need to be going.
Knowing where the rough patches lie is also a major blessing because it can help you hunker down and wait for this bad weather to pass.
Your Destiny report will show you the silver living amongst the dark clouds so that you don’t have to dwell and wonder when things are going to get better.
You’ll have a definite timeline to work with.
Is that just wow?
How You’ll Benefit from Having a Yearly Destiny Report
There are a million and one ways in which you’re going to benefit from having your Yearly Destiny Report.
You may be a little frightened and wonder if you’ll feel as if you have no control.
Quite the opposite – with knowledge, comes power:
- Anxiety, stress and self-doubt will become a thing of the past so that you don’t have to sit and wonder what’s in store for you and how to handle the year ahead. You’ll know what’s coming.
- You’ll have within your hands the ability to get your timing just right. To know when to go for that job, when to leave that relationship, or when to save money. Timing really is everything when you want to be successful.
- You’ll have far less regret about the things you didn’t do – or the things you did. Why? Because you made wiser choices. You had a map, this time. A guidebook.
- You’ll have this report for the entire year. Each moment counts, you know. You’ll receive a full breakdown of exactly how many lucky days you’ll have, how many good opportunities, the number of times you could personally transform and so much more. Yes, that’s right – we’ll give you numbers. Dates. Details.
- You’ll avoid making the same mistakes, over and over again. Freedom!
There’s a lot to be gained from having your Yearly Destiny Report.
Wouldn’t you like to be the master of your own ship for a change?
Exactly What Your Yearly Destiny Report Will Give You
So, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.
What exactly do you stand to gain from this report?
What does it contain?
What can you expect?
We’ve got answers for you:
Þ When the most intense times of the year will be for you, and how to manage them
Þ When the luckiest periods for you will be, and how to make the most of them
Þ What your career prospects are for the next 12 months
Þ What your finances have in store for you for the year
Þ Your romantic opportunities
Þ How challenges are going to manifest for you, and how to make the most of them
This, and so much more, is waiting for you. And remember – the Universe rewards those who act fast!
How Each Planet Shapes Your Year Ahead
Each of the ten planets has something to offer, something to say, about your year ahead.
Each of these planets has unique gifts and lessons to offer.
We’ll outline, clearly, in your report, what each planet is doing and how they’ll affect your year.
- The Sun – The Sun is you. Your basic identity, your life path, your purpose. Connections to and from this planet will outline the path destined for you in the next 12 months so that you can arrive safely on the shore of your dreams.
- Mercury – the decision-making planet will show where your head is at and when the best time is to think ahead, to communicate, or to make some kind of choice.
- Venus – who doesn’t want to know about love or money? Venus is in charge of these two very important topics in your Yearly Destiny Report. Get to know your hot moments – and when you’ll be cooling down. Take charge of your love life, once and for all!
- Mars – the planet of action, work and energy will indicate when you’ll be feeling at your very best, and the best moments are to initiate a project. He’ll also tell you when conflict is coming and when you’ll be at your most assertive, or aggressive.
- Jupiter – the planet of luck will give you your luckiest moments this year– so that you can go ahead and live your very best life!
- Saturn – the planet of lessons and karma provides you with the moments of intensity in the year, the challenges you’ll face and how to overcome them so that you can emerge stronger and better!
Plus, in your Yearly Destiny Report, you’ll get three more planetary influences that have a whole lot more to share with you, such as when your greatest periods are of personal transformation, your spiritual growth moments and when you’re going to have unexpected shifts and changes….