Mercury turns retrograde at 15 degrees Taurus on April 21st, 2023 and will remain here before turning direct at 6 degrees Taurus on May 14th, 2023.
What is Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury turns retrograde three to four times every year for approximately three weeks each time.
When we say a planet is retrograde, we mean that it appears from earth to be moving backward across the sky. This is actually an illusion - the same kind of optical illusion that happens when you overtake a vehicle which then appears to fall backward, even though it’s still moving forwards.
However, the symbolism of this apparent backward movement is important in astrology, even though we know it’s an illusion.
Why Does Mercury Retrograde Matter?
Mercury retrograde is significant astrologically speaking because it prompts a pause, giving us a chance to reflect on where we are.
Because Mercury rules our thought processes and our manner of communication, it’s harder to make yourself understood during a Mercury retrograde period, and technology sometimes goes a little haywire.
Delays and frustrations are common, but the irritations of the Mercury retrograde period can be offset if we understand its benefits.
What is the Significance of Mercury retrograde in Taurus?
On this occasion, Mercury is retrograde in Taurus. Taurus energy is all about building solidity and structure, but the planet’s energy is turned inwards during Mercury retrograde.
Rather than being concerned about building outward stability and structures, we’ll be interested in building our own inner foundations through stronger mental health and better self-esteem during this Mercury retrograde.
Mercury retrograde in Taurus is also a period for thinking carefully about our values and whether those values still align with who we truly are. Do an audit of what matters most to you, and work out whether your daily actions and your routine behavior serves those values or not.
How Does Mercury retrograde in Taurus Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
Each zodiac sign will experience this Mercury retrograde period slightly differently, depending on the exact placement of Mercury in an individual’s natal chart. However, overall, there is a sense of focusing on emotional stability and on building stronger centers, which all zodiac signs will experience to some degree.
Aries Sun Sign (Aries Dates: March 20 – April 19) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
With an emphasis on values, this Mercury retrograde is all about being able to question your own opinions or beliefs, which you have held for longer than you can remember. Instead of taking these things for granted, be prepared to change some of them if you find that they don’t match up with who you truly are. Your mental health will improve if you learn to stop going through the motions of values and ideas that no longer serve you.
Taurus Sun Sign (Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
Mercury retrograde in your own sign is an excellent omen for your long-term mental health, Taurus - but in the immediate term, you may feel somewhat lost during this period. It’s not helped that others may find you more difficult to understand, or you may come across the wrong way, unintentionally. Hang in there because you will discover insights about yourself during this Mercury retrograde which will serve you very well in the future.
Gemini Sun Sign (Gemini Dates: May 21 – June 20) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
With Mercury turning retrograde in the most spiritual zone of your chart, you’re being asked now to take better care of yourself. You’ve given a lot to other people recently, but if you don’t indulge in some self-care now, you’ll soon find that your ability to give to others has run dry. Quiet meditation, some peaceful solitude, and some spiritual inner work will strengthen you for the challenges to come.
Cancer Sun Sign (Cancer Dates: June 21 – July 21) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
During this Mercury retrograde period, Cancer, your friendships and social life are in the spotlight. Some people are no longer good for you, and your mental health will improve if you withdraw from them altogether. It’s not always easy to cut ties like this, but you know in your heart that somebody is just draining your energy in a relationship that isn’t healthy for you or, indeed, for them.
Leo Sun Sign (Leo Dates: July 22 – August 21) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
This Mercury retrograde occurs in your career zone and can cause havoc with misunderstandings at work. However, you can learn a lot about your own resilience in this period because you’ll be able to cope with much more chaos than you thought possible. Focus on your self-confidence and self-esteem, and stand tall and proud as you lead others. This is your chance to prove that you really can take the rough with the smooth.
Virgo Sun Sign (Virgo Dates: August 22 – September 21) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
You’re an eternal student, Virgo, but during this Mercury retrograde period, it’s essential that you seek wisdom from within your soul rather than from external sources. You already have all of the information you need, if only you would trust your instincts and judgment more. This Mercury retrograde teaches you a lot about how you learn - so apply those learning theories to your higher self as well as in your everyday life.
Libra Sun Sign (Libra Dates: September 22 – October 22) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
When Mercury retrogrades in Taurus, it affects one of the most transformational areas of your chart. You’ll feel moved to forgive someone - and to be honest, this is not before time. It’s time to let go of grudges that have held you back. Release judgment of yourself and others and allow Mercury retrograde to heal and nourish your sense of self-worth. It’s OK to make mistakes in life - we all do - but you must stop punishing yourself.
Scorpio Sun Sign (Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
This Mercury retrograde period affects your love and partnerships zone, so you’ll want to watch out for communication difficulties in your love life. Be sure that you’re listening to your partner, not just hearing the words without feeling them. Be sure that you’re speaking from the heart yourself because there are words that need to be spoken. Overall, this is a healing vibe, but it can bring some tears along the way.
Sagittarius Sun Sign (Sagittarius Dates: November 22 – December 20) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
This Mercury retrograde period impacts your personal organization zone - with potentially chaotic results! Get on top of the details, Sagittarius, and pay careful attention during this period if you don’t want to end up in a mess. Metaphorically and literally, the less rubbish you have to deal with, the easier you’ll find it to make good decisions. Clear your desk and clear your mind, too; this is a perfect time, counter-intuitively, for talking therapy of any kind.
Capricorn Sun Sign (Capricorn Dates: December 21 – January 18) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
This Mercury retrograde period is excellent for getting you out of your self-imposed rut, Capricorn. The key is to embrace spontaneity. Although Mercury moves backward through Taurus, which is stable energy, too much stability can be stifling. Let your wilder side out to play, and know that you can experiment during this period with being freer and less restrictive than you usually are.
Aquarius Sun Sign (Aquarius Dates: January 19 – February 17) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
This Mercury retrograde period occurs in your roots zone and asks you to consider what it is that grounds you and stabilizes you. For many people, this will be family, but if your early family life was not happy, you might well feel emotional safety with friends instead, or in a special place. Whatever makes you feel safest and most secure is essential now, so spend plenty of time there if you can. You are building stronger mental resilience for the future.
Pisces Sun Sign (Pisces Dates: February 18 – March 19) During Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
With Mercury now retrograde in your communication zone, you’re likely to find it tricky to make yourself understood during this period. Get things in writing where you can, and favor emails over phone calls to have a chance to compose and edit your message properly. Try to stay on top of the details, too, as you tend to get lost in a bigger vision. You’re learning that the little things matter if the bigger picture is to be complete.