When Mercury was transiting Gemini, thought processes were fast, impulsive, fun and not particularly bothered with long-term planning.
Now, however, Mercury has moved into shrewdly practical Cancer, and it’s a different story entirely. From June 8th until July 25th, 2025, Mercury will be in Cancer.
In astrological terms, Mercury rules our communication style and our mental processes, intelligence, and decision-making methods. Cancer as a zodiac sign is sentimental and emotional, so we can expect a much higher emotional level now than during the previous transit.
Cancer can also be quite bad tempered at times – snappy and a bit spiteful, so communication during this transit isn’t always love and light, despite Cancer’s reputation as a caring sign.
It’s important to remember that Cancer is a cardinal sign – an energy that initiates things, starts projects, and likes to be in control.
It is a water sign, but this is carefully channeled water through a canal or a sieve, not the free-flowing ocean.
When Mercury transits Cancer, emotions are likewise carefully channeled, and so are decisions. Cancer has savvy, sound judgment as a zodiac sign, with a good head for strategy, so when Mercury is in Cancer, strategic thought becomes the norm.
The speed of decision-making slows down when Mercury is in Cancer, so that these careful, constructive choices can be made.
Mercury transiting Cancer is in no rush at all, and in fact can be quite obstinate when pushed. Cancer energy is protective of self and loved ones, and so no decision will be made until every worst case scenario has been explored and accounted for – bringing associated worry that can be seen in increased stress levels during a Mercury in Cancer transit.
Cancer has connections to the past, and when Mercury transits Cancer, memory is strengthened, both individually and collectively. This is a very good time for commemorations of any kind, and indeed for learning and studying history.
On a personal note, it’s an interesting time for genealogy too, and for getting back in touch with your roots, whether that means taking a visit back home, or looking up old school friends.
What Happens When Mercury Enters Cancer?
Mercury in Cancer doesn’t feel the same for all zodiac signs. Each Sun sign will experience it slightly differently, depending on exactly where Mercury is in an individual’s natal chart and what other astrological events are going on at the same time. All zodiac signs, however, will sense a need to honor the past during Mercury’s transit through Cancer, and most will feel a need to slow down and take their time in making decisions.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
Mercury’s transit through Cancer activates your family zone, Aries, so put your family front and center of every decision you make now. Aries, you may feel an urge to get in touch with your roots, a good instinct to follow, but keep in mind that the past doesn’t define your future. Don’t get lost looking backward instead of forward.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
Taurus, your communication skills get a boost from Mercury’s transit through Cancer, and this slow and careful thinking style suits you very well. You’ll appreciate the chance for more time to think things through, but don’t get stuck in the process. The greatest problem Taurus faces during this transit is a tendency to over-think.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
The Mercury in Cancer transit highlights Gemini's resources zone and your sense of self-worth. Gemini, you may feel anxious with the slower pace of decisions, and you may even start to blame yourself if you’re not thinking as quickly as usual. Don’t worry – this enforced slowdown will actually do you some good.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
With Mercury transiting your own sign, you’re able to use your shrewd practicality well, especially in business or family decisions. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to make a choice, but it does matter that you are consistent and that you stick to that choice once made – avoid the temptation to second guess yourself constantly.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 21)
Mercury transits your spiritual zone now and urges you to slow down and to take a break from the faster-paced elements of your life. Taking time out to pray or to meditate will benefit you hugely, even though you may think it’s costing you time. Your challenge during this transit is to understand that there’s no such thing as a waste of time.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 22 – September 21)
During the Mercury in Cancer transit, you’re being encouraged to reach out and to expand your friendship network, Virgo. You like to operate alone, but your current plans need back-up and support, so don’t be afraid to meet new people. You can take it slowly, but you must engage with others to succeed.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Libra (Libra dates: September 22 – October 22)
The Mercury in Cancer transit activates your ambition zone, Libra, highlighting situations where you can win promotions, a new job, or an improved sense of satisfaction in what you do for a living. This is important, so take care not to miss any opportunities. Think long-term and strategically.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
This Mercury transit highlights your higher education zone, Scorpio, so it’s a very good time to take a class or study for a new certification. There’s a sense of interconnectedness here too, so you may discover how the awe and beauty of a sunset, for example, connects you to the greater concept of humanity.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
Mercury’s transit of Cancer hits a psychological note for you, Sagittarius, and prompts you to think carefully about changing some habits. It’s a good time to use your considerable willpower to push through life changes you’ve been thinking about for some time. There’s no time like the present. You can do this.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 18)
With Mercury now transiting your love zone, it’s a very good time to let your sweetheart know exactly how much you care. There’s a sentimental and emotional edge here, which is very sweet and loving. This is also the perfect time to share your long-term dreams with your lover and to think through a joint strategy to achieve your goals.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 19 – February 17)
Mercury transits your health zone now, Aquarius, making it easier for you to make sensible choices about what you eat, how you exercise, and bring in more self-care for your mental and emotional health. This is also highly organized energy, great for clearing your clutter (literally and mentally) and for re-energizes your workflow.
Mercury in Cancer in Gemini for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
The transit of Mercury through Cancer brings out your creative streak, Pisces, and brings you blissful hours of writing, singing, dancing, or crafting. Allow your creativity to de-stress you and take you to magical places. Creativity is one of your gifts, Pisces, and it would be a shame to waste it now.