Our friendships have been proven time and time again to be the very thing that sustains us through life’s ups and downs.
Without friends, where would we be?
Science itself has said that loneliness is a killer, so having a good friend or two is just the medicine we need to live longer, healthier and happier lives!
Compatibility with Astrology has been around for thousands of years – in some cultures, it’s quite natural to look up the astrological chart of someone we plan to be close with – whether for business or pleasure.
The western world is catching up to this cosmic wisdom, and seeing the clear benefits of what this art can offer by way of universal advice and insight.
After all, wouldn’t you love to know whether this person that you’ve just met is someone who’s going to be worth investing your time and energy in?
Whether this person is someone you can divulge your secrets to, trusting them to keep you safe and treat you with as much respect as you’re ready to give?
Why shouldn’t we use something like Astrology to help us see the potential in a friendship?
That includes the potential pitfalls too.
After all, no friendship is perfect because no one is perfect.
Astrology can help us accept the inbuilt flaws, or realize that this just won’t work for us.
Is this Friendship Compatibility Report only for a new friendship?
Definitely not.
This report will give insight into any friendship, no matter how long it’s been.
In fact, your personalized Friendship Report will be a lovely tool for the two of you to have, helping you see the blind spots and the strong points about your relationship.
We can take people for granted sometimes, you see.
This Report makes sure that you don’t.
We all dream of having that special friend for life.
Your BFF.
The one you can turn to when you’ve had your heartbroken, lost your job or when you're under family stress.
Someone who knows you inside and out.
Someone who can fix your broken wings and teach you to fly again.
And it’s wonderful to be able to offer that same kind of support in return, right? Right!
With a Friendship Compatibility Report, you can see your communication styles - how are you going to talk?
That’s one of the biggest factors in any friendship.
It’s important to know how you’re going to relate in this way.
You’ll also see how your souls connect to each other – essentially, whether or not you’re likely to be soulmates.
Of course, the choice then always lies in your hands.
With this Cosmic information, you can choose whether or not to pursue the friendship or to let it go.
You can see the challenges clearly outlined and think to yourself if it’s going to be worth your effort.
Will the strengths of the friendship outweigh the difficulties?
Remember, good Astrological compatibility has a balance of hard stuff and easy stuff.
Because that’s what keeps relationships interesting, spicy and growth-provoking.
Too many good things, and you’ll get bored.
Too many bad, and you’ll be toxic.
How You’ll Benefit From Your Friendship Report
So…. how do you benefit from your Friendship Report, exactly?
What will it do for you?
Is this something that could improve your friendship – or are you scared it will destroy it?
Here’s how you’ll get the most out of your report:
- For a new friendship, you’ll be able to test the waters and see if this has the potential to be a lifelong friendship - or a terrible flop. Thus, saving you energy in a very busy world!
- And, for an old friendship, you can find out what makes your connection tick, and how to resolve any issues you have, whilst maximizing your strengths.
- You’ll learn your communication pitfalls – and your shining points.
- You’ll understand why there’s a connection, soul to soul – or why you’re just not feeling it.
- You’ll be able to see if your values align.
- You’ll learn your common beliefs, how much adventure you’ll have together and what other main similarities that you have in common.
For anyone wanting to know the potential of a relationship better, or take steps to fix or improve your friendship, this compatibility report is just incomparable!
It lasts for life, too, so it never changes.
This is your lifelong potential and the key to helping you overcome your challenges and celebrate your strengths.
What Your Friendship Compatibility Report Will Give You
So, let’s get into the nitty-gritty, the meat of exactly what this report is going to give you.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Þ The challenges and lessons contained within your friendship – plus practical advice as to how to get over them
Þ The shining strengths and compatibility areas of your friendship – what keeps you going through the challenges
Þ How you’re going to be talking, and what you can do to improve your communication
Þ Whether you're going to share the same outlooks, faith and philosophies in life. So important!
Þ If you’re an action-hungry pair, or a friendship that’s happy to “Netflix ‘n Chill”
Þ If your soul paths are aligned and whether or not you truly ‘get’ each other
There’s so much more - your psychic connection will be covered, as well as karmic ties, the unusual qualities that you each bring to the relationship and what’s important to you both.
How The Planets Influence Your Friendship
The Sun – this is the planet that will show your most basic compatibility. Your soul connection. Whether you understand each other at the core.
Mercury – this all-important planet will show you how you’re going to be talking to each other. Who the thinker is, and who the feeler will be?
Venus – the planet of relationships will indicate how you each express your affection, thus making sure that there are no crossed wires of misunderstanding!
Mars – how will you fight? How will you make up? What’s your conflict style? Are you an adventurous pair or not? Mars will tell you all of this and more.
Jupiter – Jupiter is the planet of beliefs – what are yours? Can they mesh? Are you going to respect each other’s philosophies? How do you grow together?
Saturn – this planet is the one that will show you where your friendship lessons are, and what your karmic path is together. Here, you will see what the challenges could be, and how to navigate them.
Plus, there are three more planets that will tell you all kinds of fascinating things about your unique connection!
This Report really is jam-packed, just for you!