Karma is a pretty misunderstood concept.
These days, in our modern world, karma is simplistically seen as what ‘goes around, comes around," in mostly a negative sense.
Basically, you get whatever you deserve, and that’s that.
But karma, as a concept is so much more than this.
Karma is neither negative nor positive – it just is.
It’s something we all, as human beings, need to experience in order to grow and evolve from a soul level.
This happens through the people we meet, the life experiences we have and the choices we make.
Whatever we sow, we do reap, for sure, but sometimes we also have to go through a certain lesson not simply because we "deserve it," but because it’s what our soul yearns for in order to feel a sense of wholeness and understanding.
This helps our consciousness evolve more and more, and in each lifetime we get the opportunity to grow and understand a new, different perspective than the one we had before.
It’s a big concept.
So, what about Destiny?
Is our romantic fate really written in the stars?
Is this feeling of meeting “The One," our Twin Soul, for real?
Were you meant to come together?
Well, often, the answer is a resounding "Yes".
Sometimes, we do have that encounter with a certain person that totally changes our life, and we can feel it right down to our very bones and souls.
And sometimes, it lasts for a lifetime.
Other times, we’re with them until our soul is ready to move on.
Choice and Free Will definitely come into the picture – you can choose to stay or evolve with someone or choose to leave.
Remember, no relationship is perfect every minute of every day, and in fact, relationships that are always soothing, always smooth, always perfect are sometimes karmically stagnant and stuck.
We need a little bit of tension to spark growth and evolution.
No relationship, however strong the soul pull, should ever endanger your emotional, mental or physical safety and health, of course.
Sometimes, certain Karmic Relationships come along to teach us how to walk away, however painful it may be.
Learning to take care of ourselves by leaving can be the biggest lesson ever for us.
And, when we do stay - and it’s not abusive or harmful - the Karmic Relationship can teach us how to do the difficult work and face the darkest parts of ourselves with strength and courage.
So, with a Karmic Relationship Report, you’ll get some insight into how you and this person you feel a powerful, magnetic pull with which you are linked.
You’ll come to know the good, the bad and the ugly of what binds you together, and you’ll get some good advice on how to manage some of the trickier aspects of your connection.
Remember that Karma can be both difficult and easy.
Some karmic links between you will simply flow, and you’ll feel at ease, understood and in sync.
And in other ways, you’ll feel deeply challenged, frustrated and pushed to your edge.
Your Karmic Report won’t mince words, but it’ll give you grounded advice and empower you with knowledge so that you can make the best choices for yourself and your relationship.
Intimate relationships are one of the most powerful tools we can have to learn and are a mirror into our own souls.
Relationships teach us cooperation and compassion, even if it’s tough-going at times.
Who said relationships are easy?
Your Karmic Compatibility Report will reveal your unique Karmic secrets with your person, and explore any possible past-life connections between you, unfinished business and lessons you have as a couple.
Sometimes, certain lessons come back in a current relationship from a past life that weren’t fully absorbed.
Now’s your chance to have this power and knowledge in your hands so you don’t have to keep repeating the same old cycle.
This is your chance to evolve!
How Does A Karmic Compatibility Report Benefit You, Exactly?
You could say that the past should be left in the past, or perhaps you’re wondering what the point is of having a Karmic Report at all.
How could this improve your relationship – could it make anything worse?
Not at all!
Here’s how a Report like this can only be to your advantage:
- You’ll get some validation on whether or not this person is a Twin Soul - or even The One
- You’ll understand the unique strengths of your bond
- You’ll also come to know the Karmic lessons embedded in your connection – and how to deal with them
- Knowing the Karmic energy that lies between you, you’ll be able to decide whether or not to keep looking in the mirror and doing the hard work of a conscious relationship – or to walk away.
- You’ll deepen your understanding of how karma plays a part in your love life
A word of warning:
A Report like this can totally shift your perspective and shine a light on some parts that are hard to acknowledge.
However, it’s essential to not only accept these shadow parts but also to integrate them completely as part of who you are.
We all have flaws, and we are all here to heal.
What Your Karmic Compatibility Report Will Give You
So, exactly how does this Karmic Report work?
What will be explained in your report, and what will we explore together?
Here’s what you’ll get:
Þ You’ll come to see what your communication style is like in this lifetime and the last – and get advice on how to do it better
Þ Your Soul Connection will be explained – are you Soulmates and Twin Flames?
Þ How much Karma you actually have together
Þ Whether or not your relationship has what it takes to last (another) lifetime
Þ How much passion you have now, and in a past life
Sounds juicy, right? So what are you waiting for?
How The Planets Affect Your Romantic Karma
Each of the planets has something important to describe your relationship Karma.
Some, like Mercury, talk about your Karma around communication, whilst others, like Saturn, symbolize the karmic lessons you have to learn.
With Astrology, we look at how you and your partner’s planets are linked to each other to get an exact picture of your unique karma.
- The Sun– The connections to and from your Suns indicate your Soul-to-Soul Karma.
- Mercury – Mercury is the karmic conversations you’re having – how well you speak together, now and in a past lifetime. Here, we explore what you can do to overcome challenges and make the most of your strengths.
- Venus – The planet of Love indicates whether or not you're Soulmates and meant to be together in this lifetime
- Jupiter – this planet will show your faith in the world and in each other. This planet also indicates your different beliefs, and if they match up with your partners’, now or in a past lifetime.
- Saturn– This most Karmic of all planets shows the basic Karmic lessons that you had to learn, and must learn now.
This, and much more, is available to you with your Karmic Compatibility report – wouldn’t you like to know what makes your relationship as special as it is?