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Daily Horoscope

Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

July 25, 2024
July 26, 2024
July 27, 2024
Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Forge alliances by anchoring your ideas in solid ground. Extremes should be sidestepped; instead, embrace equilibrium as your guiding principle. Balancing your approach between assertiveness and moderation is paramount. Shape your vision into a relatable narrative that resonates, garnering the backing you seek. Diplomacy is your tool to pave the path to success, smoothing over differences and nurturing collaboration. The ability to navigate these waters with finesse will not only bring your goals within reach but also position you as a leader who understands the nuances of effective communication and strategic relationship-building.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

In the symphony of your self-discovery, embrace the art of balanced expression without muting your unique self-song. Authenticity remains your steadfast guide. Seek the grounding that fosters not only personal growth but also healing. Extremes should be evaded, replaced by a harmonious fusion of self-assuredness and stability. This melodious amalgamation has the transformative power to invoke positive change both within yourself and your surroundings. As you navigate the delicate cadence between authenticity and stability, remember that this equilibrium not only orchestrates your personal evolution but also resonates as a powerful force that can inspire and uplift others.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Anticipate encounters colored by vagueness and intermittent moodiness. In this emotional landscape, authenticity reigns supreme, making insincerity particularly jarring. Exercise caution, for seemingly casual words wield the potential to inflict deep wounds. The choice of words becomes a pivotal art; select them thoughtfully and with sensitivity. Recognize that within the undercurrents of these interactions, an opportunity for genuine connection and understanding exists. By navigating this terrain adeptly, you can foster a space where emotions are acknowledged, words are chosen wisely, and meaningful exchanges flourish even amid the nuanced intricacies of human feelings.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Like a serene dove, you exude a calm and tranquil presence. Comfortable within yourself, you find contentment in allowing others to take the lead. Your style of passive control, wherein you influence through gentle guidance rather than force, brings a sense of effortlessness to your interactions. Embrace this tranquility as a source of strength, allowing it to flow through your actions. Entrusting others with the reins can not only lighten your burden but also foster an environment of collaboration and shared responsibility. Your serene demeanor becomes a beacon, attracting cooperation and paving the way for harmonious outcomes.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

For a fleeting moment, step into the shoes of a benevolent leader. Shield any flicker of doubt from sight, sidestepping the revealing of uncertainty. Your subjects have an uncanny knack for sensing weakness; upholding a resolute front becomes paramount to forestall any inklings of rebellion. Striking equilibrium is key – wield your authority with a poised strength that inspires confidence. Infuse this control with a reassuring aura, allowing those under your guidance to find solace in your unwavering demeanor. In this brief stint of leadership, your ability to harmonize firmness and assurance can shape a narrative of stability and cohesion.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The longevity of your well-being rests upon the foundation of conscientious care. Over the upcoming days, it's imperative to elevate your own needs to the forefront. Pay close attention to your mental habits, as well as the subtle cues your body provides. Temporary states of good health can be prolonged through the art of deliberate and attentive nurturing. By tending to your physical and emotional requirements with mindfulness, you reinforce the vitality you currently possess. Remember that this deliberate investment in your well-being not only safeguards your present but also lays the groundwork for sustained vitality in the days ahead.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Allow not melancholy to linger unchallenged. Elevate spirits by giving voice to your thoughts. Be flexible in your tactics, ready to adapt. Change, a beacon of betterment, becomes achievable through resolute exertion. Embrace the process of transformation as a powerful force. Let determination guide your steps towards a brighter horizon. Remember, your ability to uplift your own spirits and harness your determination lays the foundation for tangible and positive shifts. As you embrace change, you unleash a cascade of possibilities, leading to growth, renewal, and the fulfillment of your aspirations.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Beneath your actions lie profound motives, driven by unwavering convictions. The next two days beckon introspection, a detachment from the usual. Seize this time to immerse yourself in solitude, allowing your thoughts to realign in the quiet embrace of self-discovery. As you step away from the bustle, you're poised to reconnect with the world afresh. This period of introspection serves as a cocoon for your personal growth. When you re-emerge, you'll carry a renewed perspective and an invigorated spirit, ready to engage with the world in a way that resonates with your newfound clarity.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Navigating through challenges can be arduous. However, take solace in the existence of creative liberation methods. Over the next two days, steer your focus towards these techniques. Observe the shifts they bring about. This span offers an opportunity to transform your coping tactics, unveiling the outcomes they yield. Adaptation becomes the key to fostering positive change. Embrace this moment to harness your inner ingenuity and explore fresh approaches. As you navigate these shifts, you're not only enhancing your coping mechanisms but also forging a pathway toward a more constructive and resilient way of managing difficulties.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Dive into the depths of knowledge that your world holds for you today. Through this journey, you might discover that heightened insight renders the futility of judgment apparent. Genuine understanding becomes the beacon guiding you towards an enlightened perspective. As you traverse the landscapes of information and experience, remember to qualify situations before casting your assessments. Contemplate the insignificance of passing judgment hastily. By acknowledging the multifaceted nature of matters, you not only refine your discernment but also embrace a broader comprehension of the complexities that shape the world around you.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Grant your mind the freedom to flow unrestricted. Capture fleeting insights by jotting them down. Resist the tempting allure of flashy novelties that often distract. Instead, navigate by the subtler currents of thought. It's within these quiet waters that true wisdom finds its home. As you follow the meandering stream of your mind, you're embracing a journey of introspection and discovery. The authentic gems of understanding and perspective are often hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed through patient contemplation. Allow your thoughts to guide you toward the depths where genuine insights reside.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Apologies voiced and improvement demonstrated, the journey of growth unfolds. Savor each step of progress as you move forward. Approach your tasks with a sense of joy, letting enthusiasm infuse your actions. Revel in the euphoria that arises as the puzzle pieces of effort and dedication seamlessly interlock, fulfilling the commitments made. Embrace the satisfaction of witnessing harmony take shape, not only in your endeavors but also within yourself. This journey of alignment and fulfillment is a testament to your dedication and ability to cultivate positivity. Allow this sensation of accomplishment to fuel your ongoing pursuit of excellence.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

In the tapestry of life, the company of the world holds significance. Allies, both in the realms of work and home, are indispensable. Approach collaboration with authenticity as your guiding light. Uphold pure motives as your foundation. Within this environment of genuine intent, mutual support flourishes. The strength of unity becomes evident as you journey together. With sincerity binding your efforts, triumph becomes a shared experience. Through the combined power of unity and authenticity, you pave the way for success, not only as an individual but also as a collective force poised to overcome challenges and achieve greatness.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Your ability to read minds and perceive intentions stands as a unique strength. However, wield this power with discretion to avoid unsettling those around you. Subtle handling is key. Cultivate empathy as a guiding principle. When channeling your psychic prowess, exercise care and respect for personal boundaries. Strive for a delicate balance between your insights and the sensitivity required to navigate social dynamics. By employing your gift thoughtfully, you can create a space where your intuitive understanding enhances connections and fosters positive interactions, while still preserving the comfort and autonomy of others.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Indulge in enjoyment, yet remain vigilant. Remember that what brings you fun might unintentionally offend others. Shield against potential misinterpretations that could arise. Approach with caution, ensuring that your amusement doesn't inadvertently lead to conflicts or discomfort. Strive for equilibrium by balancing your own enjoyment with a thoughtful consideration for the feelings and perspectives of those around you. In this delicate dance, your ability to savor the moment harmonizes with your capacity to maintain harmony within your social interactions. By staying attuned and sensitive, you create an environment where everyone can find their space and share in the positive energy.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Release the reins on your thoughts at this moment. Permit them to wander freely. The future holds tangible outcomes for these musings. Uninhibited contemplations carry remarkable potential. Allow your creativity to surge forth, for these currents lay the groundwork for manifestations down the line. Embrace the beauty of mental exploration, where ideas can bloom and evolve. Your mind's wanderings, untethered and imaginative, pave the way for innovation and progress. This phase of unbridled ideation is a vital step in the process of bringing your visions to life. In granting yourself this creative freedom, you're nurturing the seeds of future accomplishments.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Today's influence paints you as a dreamer, yearning for a remarkable life. Ambition is commendable, yet remember that the tapestry of reality is woven with intricate nuances. Strive for balance by marrying your idealism with a healthy dose of practicality. While you aspire to greatness, acknowledge and navigate the challenges with wisdom. The journey toward your goals requires not only the soaring spirit of a dreamer but also the shrewdness of a realist. By striking this equilibrium, you embark on a path that's both aspirational and attainable, enhancing your chances of turning your dreams into tangible accomplishments.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Exercise careful consideration when choosing recipients for your generosity. Use discernment to identify those truly deserving of your support today. While the task might not be strenuous, it's essential to engage in thoughtful evaluation. By taking the time to weigh your options, you ensure that your assistance reaches those who genuinely need and appreciate it. Your discernment is a valuable tool that enables you to make a meaningful impact while avoiding potential pitfalls. This act of thoughtful giving can foster positive change and create a ripple effect of gratitude and empowerment within your community.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Be vigilant against the potential exploitation of your enthusiasm and goodwill. When considering invitations and opportunities, exercise careful assessment. Strike a balance between your eagerness and discernment. Differentiate between choices that offer true benefits and those that may lead to pitfalls. Choose wisely, keeping your integrity intact. Your thoughtful approach ensures that your energy is channeled into endeavors that align with your values and goals. By safeguarding your enthusiasm and making astute decisions, you not only protect your own well-being but also contribute to an environment where authenticity and ethical conduct thrive.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Solitude holds its own benefits, fostering inner reflection and personal growth. During this time, exercise discretion and patience. Give yourself the next two days to enhance your concentration. As momentum gradually builds, you become poised for impactful action. Harness the energy you've cultivated, recognizing that timing plays a pivotal role. When the elements align, your efforts will find greater resonance and effectiveness. Embrace the rhythm of this process, trusting that your period of preparation and introspection will set the stage for a more potent and successful engagement with your goals and aspirations.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Embrace the essence of authenticity today. Acknowledge your true self, along with your genuine thoughts and feelings. When facing the consequences of your actions, do so with a sense of realism and responsibility. Walk your own path confidently and unapologetically, trusting your individual journey. Embrace your uniqueness as a guiding light and venture forth independently. By staying true to yourself and honoring your personal authenticity, you not only navigate life with integrity but also inspire others to embrace their own genuine paths, fostering a world where each individual's distinctive journey is valued and celebrated.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Greet your imagination with open arms today. Embrace the opportunity to delve into your subconscious and explore its depths. Take the plunge into the waters of creativity, allowing yourself to uncover the mysteries that reside within. Forge a deeper connection with your inner self as you navigate this journey of imaginative exploration. By venturing into the realm of the imagination, you not only tap into a wellspring of creativity but also gain insights that can enrich your understanding of yourself and the world around you. This process of imaginative exploration is a doorway to new perspectives and profound self-discovery.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Set your sights on crafting something truly exceptional today. Unleash your ideas without constraints, allowing them to roam free beyond the bounds of reality and external norms. In this unrestricted environment, innovation thrives. The flight of imagination becomes the driving force behind the pursuit of excellence. By granting your creativity the freedom to soar, you not only tap into unexplored territories of thought but also pave the way for groundbreaking achievements. Embrace this opportunity to break away from the ordinary, as your imaginative endeavors have the potential to reshape the landscape of what's possible.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Maintain your connections, as simplicity thrives in the fabric of relationships. Your unforgettable presence effortlessly fosters bonding. Strive to create meaningful connections that linger in the hearts of those you interact with. Your impact on others is profound, and through your genuine and effortless approach, you nurture relationships that flourish naturally. Cherish these connections and invest in their growth. By fostering bonds based on authenticity and mutual understanding, you contribute to a network of relationships that bring joy, support, and a sense of belonging to all involved.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Allow your enthusiasm to generate ripples in your interactions, and keenly observe the effects. Some individuals will stand out distinctly today. Pay close attention to the connections that ignite your curiosity. Recognize and acknowledge the significance of these interactions, for they hold the potential to shape your path in meaningful ways. Embrace the influence that these encounters bring, as they might offer insights, opportunities, or perspectives that enrich your journey. By remaining attuned to the currents of connection and impact, you create a tapestry of experiences that contribute to your personal growth and fulfillment.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Take solace in the approaching relaxation. While nearing the finish line, ensure you maintain your energy today. Keep your focus on the end goal and persevere with determined and concentrated efforts. Your hard work and persistence are about to yield rewards. Your endurance in these crucial moments will be the linchpin of your success, so continue to propel forward with unwavering dedication. By keeping your momentum steady, you guarantee that your efforts culminate in achievement, reaffirming that every step you take today brings you closer to the well-deserved outcomes that lie ahead.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Today's essence aligns fluently with both your heart and mind. Embrace the youthful optimism that resides within you. Navigate seamlessly between the realms of emotion and intellect. Allow them to harmonize, casting a brilliant light on exciting paths before you. With this harmonious fusion, you can explore your journey with openness and curiosity. Your emotional depth and intellectual acumen are poised to intertwine, fostering a holistic understanding that empowers your choices and actions. As you engage with the world through this balanced lens, you open doors to novel experiences and insights that expand the horizons of your existence.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Your essence is a mosaic of past experiences, shaping your present self. While acknowledging the influence of the past, be cautious not to become overly attached. Embrace the ongoing evolution of the present moment. Strive for balance in your growth journey, recognizing that the past enriches your understanding, yet it's the choices of the present that mold your destiny. By appreciating the wisdom the past offers without being bound by it, you navigate the delicate equilibrium between honoring your history and crafting a future that aligns with your aspirations.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Extend your hand for a friend in need. Immerse yourself in their challenges and you'll witness obstacles retreat. Your unwavering support will wield the power to shift the situation in their favor. Your courage and dedication become a driving force that alters the course of events. By stepping up boldly, you not only provide a steadfast source of strength but also become an agent of positive change. Your actions have the potential to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to rally around and transform adversity into triumph.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Feel curious about your neighbors' moods, but exercise patience before inquiring. A more opportune moment will arise for your questions. Anticipate your desires being fulfilled in the near future. By waiting and being patient, you pave the way for the realization of what you genuinely seek. Timing plays a crucial role in interactions and outcomes. Allow circumstances to align, and when the time is right, your inquiries and aspirations will find a receptive environment, increasing the likelihood of positive and fruitful exchanges.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Your authenticity today allows for a kind and gentle approach with others. However, this doesn't mean you should shy away from making decisions. In fact, the best approach for you is to act with confidence and decisiveness. Balancing your genuine self with assertive action enables you to navigate situations effectively. Your authenticity becomes a guiding light that not only influences your interactions but also empowers you to make choices that align with your values and goals. By staying true to yourself and taking purposeful steps, you'll navigate the day with authenticity and effectiveness.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Temporarily set your aspirations at a more modest level. By doing so, you can sidestep potential disappointment stemming from encountering hurdles that might seem insurmountable. Adjusting your expectations allows you to mitigate clashes between your ambitions and the current reality. A flexible approach in your strategies ensures a smoother path forward, even when confronted with challenges. This doesn't mean abandoning your goals, but rather adapting your approach to match the circumstances. This flexibility grants you the ability to make steady progress while navigating the obstacles, ultimately positioning you for more successful outcomes in the long run.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

While the impulse to alter the past might arise, it's important not to bury it completely. Your history, both the triumphs and trials, has contributed to shaping who you are today. As you embrace the journey of transformation, remember to honor and cherish your roots. Both aspects – the desire for change and the appreciation of your origins – define your path. Acknowledge that growth can coexist with reverence for your history. By understanding the interplay between your past and your aspirations for change, you craft a holistic narrative that empowers you to move forward with purpose and authenticity.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Arrogance has the potential to isolate you. Take note of your surroundings. Break free from old patterns that no longer serve you. Embrace novelty for a short time. Be receptive to change, and you'll see connections flourishing. By making new choices, you open the door to fresh companionship. The shift from arrogance to openness allows for the development of meaningful relationships. Recognize the importance of humility and adaptability, as they become the bridges that connect you to others and guide you towards a more enriching and harmonious social experience.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Anchor yourself in the present moment. Your purpose resides here, so do not lose sight of it. Direct your attention towards your current tasks, for within this moment lies your mission. By staying focused on the tasks at hand, you align yourself with the purpose that is unfolding in real-time. Embrace the significance of the present as it holds the potential to shape your path and contribute to the realization of your aspirations. With a steadfast commitment to the tasks before you, you bring your purpose into sharp focus and pave the way for meaningful progress.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Embrace collaboration as a pathway to success. Engage in friendly brainstorming sessions, for these yield the best outcomes. Share your ideas openly with others and work together to refine them. Through collective effort, explore various possibilities and put theories to the test, allowing for a synergy of minds that leads to fruitful results. The power of collaboration lies in the diversity of perspectives and the cross-pollination of ideas. By coming together and combining your strengths, you create a space where innovation thrives and the potential for achieving exceptional outcomes is greatly amplified.
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  • ★★★★★
    I feel guided and inspired by your readings
    Felilia Escoses Gariza
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, your work is very much appreciated.
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli is a awesome lady, she has a good heart and soul. She can help you in your quest. Yours truly Michael
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you very much
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much u r the great Lady in the World Take Care God Bless U Amen Plz Praying for me Thankful
  • ★★★★
    Thanks for the opportunity!
  • ★★★★★
    I am overwhelmed by the level of your concerns and ability to make me relevant. God bless you abundantly in all your ways
    Ahmed Oluwatobiloba Olarewaju Sulaimon
  • ★★★★★
    Kel ur the best astrologer I've ever known. U have been my astrologer since 2001. U helped me in a time I was scared for my life. U have no idea what u did for me . I've tried other astrologers during which time u were away because of ur accident but never found any one like u. Thank u for ur services.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli thank you for all your readings and caring for me you don't beat around the bush but you don't tell me all the negatives you tell me the positives and I appreciate that I need guidance and you guide me so thank you and God bless you we all need a little guidance. Your eternal friend Steve.
    Stephen Lynn Wood
  • ★★★★★
    I enjoy receiving my horoscope in the mail it is always interesting and positive and fun. Thank you!
  • ★★★★★
    Let's just say that when I see your email, I can't help but smile and quickly go check out my horoscope. I'm learning so much about the "potentials" that the stars, the planets, and you (as a guide, an interpreter) allow me to align with (or not 😁❤️‍🩹).
    Greta Godaert
  • ★★★★★
    Great 😃 information , and research, I rely on my decisions.....
  • ★★★★
    I found your "Weekly Astro Weather for Feb. 18th-25th" to be very informative and an easy read. Thank you very much for inviting me to read it.
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for all the astrological messages that are related to my life .I always got help when I read your messages.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, I'm donalding in California. I was elated to get your text message and your challenge to make a video testimonial. I'm at a huge crossroads and starting over and I am the oldest person in the dorms at West Hills College and California. I'm going to study and get smarter and figure a way out of this little mess. I didn't know about Pisces or any of these things coming into my life and I definitely need to avoid bullying. There are and things are going to be just fine. We are interconnected, we are, we are loving, we are not competitive, and we are not.
    Don Spalding
  • ★★★★★
    Wonderful content, Often helped a lot. Thank you 💖
    Katja Alexandra
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, guys. Me and the cat here say hello, Kitty. I think anytime you got a real person that you can see talking to you is better. I think just video in general makes everything better. It's more entertaining, it's easier than reading. So if you do your own fair share of reading, it's good to just be able to listen for a change. So I think it's a good thing. I don't know if I'm answering, really what you wanted me to address, but keep up the good work. I'm enjoying it anyways. Bye, guys. Bye.
    Todd Marnie
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. How you doing? Good morning. I just like to appreciate all the encouraging things and basically, like, being. Hitting everything on in the head, what goes on through my life and everything, you know, I'm a firm believer, and it's just a real blessing to have someone like you all to, you know, with the heads up, with the presence, just everything. And I just wanted to let you know, greatly appreciate of you, you all. And, um, like, I know I have a special calling in life. Just through various things just went on in my life. I could tell. It's like, you know, I haven't been through a lot. I've been through a lot, but I always let my good outweigh my bad, always keep me a positive head. And, you know, I do my best to speak life into my situations instead of doubt and complain most of the time because I know God's got my back regardless, through anything. But I just like to thank you for all you have done. And at times, I may even forget to look on, look on here. But when I do go back and look, I catch what need to be caught, you know, it's just that, you know, it's a busy point in my life right now. Like, it's real busy and. But I still make time through it all. I just like to say I thank you and I appreciate you all for each and everything. And when I do be able to receive the funds and start investing in this and help out, I will. Until then, thank you. I love you. Thank you. Bye.
    Antowin Porter
  • ★★★★★
    Nice to not get gimmick's. You're in a class by yourself.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for taking care of us and the time to share your amazing gifts so appreciated xx
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, I have come to RELY upon your dailies (Cancer), especially your unique Rating System! Feel LOST on those rare days when I don't have that going for me! So what has become of your daily "extras"? Are you taking a break and someone is subbing for you lately? I certainly hope that is the case and that you are well! Praying for you, love you! - Lou
  • ★★★★★
    I just want you to know I absolutely love you. I rely on you. If I get rich, I'm taking you with me. I'm going to have you with me every day of my life just because it's kind of weird. It's kind of scary how dead on you are all the time. But you want to know what? I love you. Thank you for finding your way in my life. I love all your emails and everything. And sometimes it scares me and I just try to be like, okay, let me just steer away because I always feel like I'm missing out on something, being occupied by stuff I'd rather not be occupied by, entertaining people and stuff that shouldn't be, getting people blocking my blessings, I guess you'd say. But besides that, I just need to take a leap of faith and just go all in it because I know who I am, what I want and I can't get it when I'm sitting in the house not doing anything because I'm all depressed because of the people that I have, people that suck my energy away. I don't know how to explain it. Just people that front row cheer me on to fail. But seriously, I love you. Thank you. I appreciate you. Bye.
    Dani Q
  • ★★★★
    Thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Astrology has given me the best for life made me to understand what I am under life and to live on this planet I'm so happy for this deep wisdom I'm grateful.
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Hello Kelli, thank you so much for being there in dark times & providing guidance! I find your readings very accurate compared to others!! Kindly accept my gratitude!!!
    Jaspreet Dullet
  • ★★★★
    Spot on. Thanks
  • ★★★★★
    Hi there. I'm Kumpul. I have listened to my predictions and it correctly says that confidence in me and yeah, it was really nice production and I'm looking forward really nice, amazing productions from my end. And I also wanted to know about the career wise predictions and, yeah, thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Always on point. Every word about cancer and full moon is everything my love interest is going through. We are both Cancers. Thank you Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been following Kelli Fox for over a decade. Her readings are percise and quite accurate. I have also gotten quite a bit of insight from her additional reading and chart reviews. Thank you Kelli!
  • ★★★★★
    This message is right on time.
    Tiffony McCall
  • ★★★★★
    I love everything I saw today!
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you!
    Zachary Colombo
  • ★★★★★
    Ms. Kelli Fox. YOU Have Got It Going On Dear. YOUR Horoscopes are AMOUNGST ONE Of The BEST I've EVER SEEN On The Internet! , They're Accurate , Beautifully Written , & Beautifully Displayed , I Simply LOVE Reading YOUR Astrology Articles & Horoscopes , Keep Up The Awesome Work Ms. FOX.
  • ★★★★★
    They are very accurate & have helped me a lot.
  • ★★★★★
    For twelve years I keep visiting Kelli Fox to see whats up for my day, week, month and year. She explains astrology in a language I relate to.
    Shannon Laws
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, thank you so much.
    kiarash zabeti
  • ★★★★★
    I have visited your sites and shared your readings many times without knowing the work involved or the work behind it all. Thank you for your generosity and expertise. Your contributions are valuable to myself and many others. You have contributed to my personal growth, my understanding of the world and my deep compassion for all creatures. You are appreciated.
    Aurora Clair
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much for you work Kelli <3
    Tyshawn Braxton
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, Kelly. I am ready. If I had known I was going to be recording this, I would have worn some makeup. So anyway. Oh, that's my vanity speaking. Sorry about that. But anyway, I do love listening to you and I always acquire a lot of knowledge. I've been studying astrology since I was about eleven years old. I love it and I can't get enough of it. But I just wanted to let you know that I loved that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that you put on there. It's so true. We need to live life while we have it and make the best of it. And astrology will help us lead the way. I'm assured of that. Anything we can learn when it comes to astrology will only help us to live a better life. And by your volunteering all your information, I thank you a million times over. You are such an asset. And I know the stars and the planets are shining down upon you and I listen to you all the time on YouTube and your Zoom channel and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope your throat feels better. Kelli keeps drinking some hot. Thank you for everything you do. My name is Judith and I'm from Greensboro, North Carolina, and I'm a cancer and I love all of what you have to say. Thank you. Bye.
    Judith Bleiberg
  • ★★★★★
    Mahalo nunui Kelli for caring & guiding me through the darkest times. I am blessed to have you.
    Cheryl Bautista
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, the experience has been really wonderful. It gives me an insight on who I am, who I want to be. Can't wait to hear the rest. Thanks. Bye.
    Angela Cates
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, you amaze me about how well you are reading me and my loved one so well.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much, Kelli Fox, for being my astrologer. I’m always so happy and grateful to hear from you. ❤️ Winnie
    Winnie Elise
  • ★★★★★
    Growing and evolving everyday. Thanks for the guidance. Finally on the right path for the first time. My life changed once I found who I am. Had to lose everything to find who I was supposed to be. The universe has a wild way of reaching you when you're lost!
    Charley Cash
  • ★★★★★
    Glenn Twum
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for always keeping me updated. Even sometimes i get lazy of checking my emails but this is truly helpful to me.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli.
    Maria Nelia Vieira de Nobrega
  • ★★★★★
    I'm grateful for all your passion that enriches us. Lots of thanks and best wishes
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for remembering my birthday! You're the only one. The images in the video were beautiful; & I really enjoyed the music.
    Georgia Gabet
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Kelli. Thank you very much for your emails and for yourself. And I must say I take full advantage of your emails. With pleasure. And also from Numerology, of course. And you are really a lovely person. Thank you very much. Bye.
  • ★★★★★
    You are always right!!!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for the message it was spot on!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli for the inspiration, guidance, and help. Much love and appreciation.
  • ★★★★
    You're right on with so much accuracy that it was crazy and incredible at the same time!! Almost like you was in my head at times.. Def enjoyed all the insight as well and looking forward to what the future holds.. The sky is the limit.. 💫✨💫✨
    Crystal Markland
  • ★★★★★
    I found the best Astrologer. Thank you Kelli for being my mentor . I see things more clearly & trust me my thinking abilities are skyrocketing.
    Arvind kumar
  • ★★★★★
    I remember what happened in 2015, it will happen again. Thank you Kelli, I know now what to do. You are on the spot again.
    Viviane Banoun
  • ★★★★★
    You were so on point with this information , as if you were reading my mind.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been studying astrology for 40 years and this site is particularly knowledgeable and well-written.
  • ★★★★★
    I'm feeling highly blessed to be with you. You changed my life.
  • ★★★★★
    I'm feeling highly blessed to be with you. You changed my life.
  • ★★★★★
    I'm feeling highly blessed to be with you. You changed my life.
  • ★★★★★
    It's pretty accurate. Thank you. And I'm glad to come across you. Have a great day.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. Thank you so much. You're always helping me with your astrological knowledge. Thanks. Please pray for me. Thank you very much, Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you very much. I love it.
    Alexandra Momirovic
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