Every year in March (and again in September) the world experiences an Equinox – a special moment in astronomical and astrological time. It's when Astrologers celebrate the Astrological New Year!
What is an Equinox and why does it matter?
The March Equinox falls every year on March 19th, 20th or 21st. It is the exact moment when the Sun is directly above the equator, and it is the date when day and night are (almost) exactly each 12 hours long, all over the world.
Because of light refraction and the way sunrise is defined, in reality daylight will always be a few moments longer than 12 hours, and darkness a few moments less, but it’s the symbolic equality of light and dark which gives the Equinox its astrological and spiritual power.
This special moment of balance is also when the Sun moves into the zodiac sign of Aries, thus kick-starting an astrological new year.
The moment also marks the official changing of the seasons around the world: In the Northern hemisphere, the March Equinox is the last day of winter and the start of spring, while in the Southern hemisphere, it is the last day of summer and the start of autumn.
With the Sun moving into Aries, the March Equinox is in some ways the start of a normal solar transit – in astrology, the Sun moves travels through each zodiac sign in turn during the course of the year, starting with Aries, spending approximately one month in each.
However, the Equinox takes on added symbolism as a point of balance. In the Northern hemisphere, life is poised to – literally – spring back to life as the spring flowers start to bloom and animals look for mates.
It’s a time of rebirth and renewal, and a moment of optimism and creativity. In the Southern hemisphere, by contrast, the focus is on death, as the leaves fall, plants die back, and some animals hibernate.
Here, the focus is on reflection and preparation for the winter to come; it’s a solemn time but uplifted by the bounty of nature’s harvest.
The energy of the March Equinox for each Sun sign is broadly similar to the energy of the Sun in Aries, but each zodiac sign can use this energy to find balance in a particular area of their life.
March Equinox for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
For you, Aries, the Equinox asks you to find a balance between your needs and the needs of those around you. It’s about fulfilling yourself as an individual, while also taking care of your partner, your family, your pets and your other responsibilities. This is always a difficult thing to juggle, but you can expect a moment of clarity about all of this during this period.
March Equinox for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
For Taurus, the March Equinox raises issues around resources. How much of what you have is your own, and how much of it is loaned or borrowed from somewhere else? Think about this not only in terms of finances but in terms of your own abilities and how much you stand on your own two feet emotionally. It’s time now to ensure that you are as independent as possible.
March Equinox for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
This Equinox raises issues of communication and ideas for you, Gemini. You have plenty of brilliant ideas in your head, but do you listen carefully to others or are you determined to go it alone? Do you recognize when you need to learn more, or are you over-confident in thinking you know it all? Strike a balance between promoting your skills while acknowledging what you have left to learn from others.
March Equinox for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
For you, Cancer, the Equinox urges you to balance your need for security against your desire to make a difference out in the wide world. Here, the focus is on developing your self-esteem so that you feel safe to make changes. Work on your self-confidence now and find that balance between humility and ambition. Only then can you fulfill your potential.
March Equinox for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
The March Equinox reminds you that no man is an island, Leo. You can be quite self-obsessed, but this energy teaches you that by working with others you can achieve far more than you can achieve alone. It’s about teamwork and learning to balance your ego against the benefits of working with a group or another individual. You have so much to offer – why keep it to yourself?
March Equinox for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
For you, Virgo, the Equinox gets to the heart of your desire to serve. This energy teaches you that in order to serve others, as you so wish to do, you must first serve yourself. Look after your own health so that you are in a strong position to help others. You cannot continue to run yourself into the ground and still expect to function as well you would wish.
March Equinox for a Libra (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
Libra, the March Equinox is about a search for identity. You tend to take the path of least resistance around others, always hoping to avoid conflict – but sometimes it’s necessary to stand up for yourself and to draw boundaries. This energy encourages you to do so, because by initiating those boundaries, you are underlining your own importance in the world. You matter. So, act like it.
March Equinox for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
For you, Scorpio, this Equinox is a journey into self-reliance. Instead of thinking about what you don’t have, this energy encourages you to understand and appreciate what you do have. Not necessarily financially, but in terms of inner strength and resourcefulness. You deserve far more credit for the way you cope with life than you ever allow yourself to claim.
March Equinox for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
The March Equinox’s gift to Sagittarius is the ability to see the detail, for once. Your sign is a visionary, great at grasping the bigger picture. But you sometimes lack the detailed focus to actually manifest things or move things into action. Balance having the vision with actually doing the work – if you can do that, the Equinox shows you that the sky's the limit.
March Equinox for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
For you, Capricorn, the March Equinox brings one of the most easily understood messages – the need to balance your working life against your family life. Both are important and both feed your sense of self. Don’t play them off against one another. Use better time management to find out how you can fulfill both sides of your life without such stress.
March Equinox for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
Aquarius, the March Equinox reminds you that you can’t fix the world alone. What you can do, however, is fix your tiny part of it, starting with your own attitude. Find a balance between your social conscience and your relationship with your friends and family. Prioritize more time with those you love the most. Let the world turn without you, briefly.
March Equinox for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
For you, Pisces, the March Equinox is a timely reminder of the importance of spiritual work. Expect clarity and a realization that time spent meditating, praying or pursuing spiritual interests is not a waste of time, nor a luxury – it’s an essential for your own health and wellbeing, and necessary for you to come into your spiritual potential. Shine a light to guide the rest of us.