The major news of 2023 is Jupiter’s arrival in Taurus, bringing you exceptional opportunities for growth and joy. Pluto will also change signs, asking you to align your career with your highest values, while Saturn may create a more insular approach.
You’re very keen to make a good impression as 2023 gets underway, and with Venus, your ruling planet, moving to the very top of your chart on January 2nd, things certainly are off to a good start. This influence persists right through until March, so use the first couple of months of 2023 to win friends and to influence all the right people.
On March 7th, however, Saturn moves into the social zone of your chart for the first time since 1996, and may well limit your networking opportunities for some time. The following week, on March 16th, Venus arrives in Taurus, so you won’t allow Saturn to dent your confidence for too long - and especially not when Pluto changes sign and moves into your career zone on March 23rd.
The Solar Eclipse on April 20th occurs in the most spiritual zone of your chart and it could be something of a wake-up call for you - the Universe wants you to understand that there is more to life than material security. The Sun’s arrival in Taurus just an hour or so later floods your life with light and fresh understanding. With Mercury turning retrograde in Taurus the following day, take some time out to reflect on the deeper meaning of your life.
The Lunar Eclipse on May 5th occurs in your opposite sign and could create drama in your love life, especially if a secret is revealed. Try to stay calm and not overreact - very soon, on May 16th, Jupiter moves into Taurus and this benevolent giant will bless you with optimism, good cheer, and a sense of well-being - so any drama will not last. By the time the Taurus New Moon shines on May 19th, you will feel much stronger.
June and July look like good months for family togetherness, with Venus arriving in this area of your chart on June 5th. However, your ruling planet turns retrograde here on July 22nd. This can create family tension, but it can also encourage you to look deep into your past and family history for some answers.
In August and September, you will have opportunities to stretch yourself at work, especially during the Full Moon on August 1st. You’ll also enjoy the potential for new romance, if you’re single when the New Moon occurs in your dating zone on September 14th.
October’s Solar Eclipse on the 14th asks you to take better care of your holistic well-being, but it’s the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th that really rocks your world. This is a challenge to your identity - do you want to live your own authentic life, or will you allow others to curtail your freedom?
With a beautiful New Moon in your opposite sign on November 13th, you will get plenty of support from your partner if you choose to stand firm. Venus also moves into your opposite sign on December 4th, so you will hopefully enjoy a loving, romantic festive period. Indeed, as 2023 draws to a close, Venus moves again, this time into the most passionate area of your natal birth chart, on December 29th - what a wonderful time for a party!
January this year is very work-focused for you, and you may not have much time for romance until the Full Moon on February 5th, which shines from the family zone of your natal birth chart - perfect for cozy nights in or for growing your family, should you wish.
The next Full Moon, on March 7th, is in your joy zone - a wonderful time for dating, if you’re single, or for putting the fizz back into an established relationship. However, on this same day, Saturn changes signs and heads into the social zone of your natal birth chart, potentially limiting your social life and making you feel more insular for a while as you adjust to this energy shift. With Pluto moving into your career zone on March 23rd, for the first time in your life, romance may need to be on the backburner again.
Mercury turning retrograde in Taurus on April 21st is a calming influence, quieting your mind and freeing up more time for intimate pursuits. Just in time - the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th occurs in the love zone of your chart and could bring upheaval in your relationship. This can be a very shocking and dramatic influence, but when the dust settles, we tend to realize that any changes have been for the best.
Jupiter’s arrival in Taurus on May 16th has a major impact on your prosperity but its natural enthusiasm and warmth also add to your charisma if you’re looking for love. The Taurus New Moon on May 19th is a lovely moment for a date as you will be at your most natural and charming. Venus’ arrival in the family zone of your chart on June 5th is another very pleasant influence, but when your ruling planet turns retrograde on July 22nd, you will need to be careful about the impression you give to your lover. It’s very easy to hurt people during this period, whether you intend to or not.
Another retrograde - this time Mercury, on August 23rd - could also impact your love life. This occurs in your joy zone and is likely to make you feel lethargic and apathetic for a while. You’ll be very difficult to please in a relationship, although the New Moon in your joy zone on September 14th will see an improvement in your mood. You may not feel wholly yourself again, however, until Venus moves into this most exciting zone of your chart on October 8th.
During the Taurus Lunar Eclipse on October 28th, don’t be surprised if you question everything about yourself. This mini-identity crisis could create discord in your love life as you struggle to pin down how you feel. Try to stay calm - the New Moon two weeks later on November 13th shines from your love zone and will help to steady the ship.
Finally, on December 4th, Venus moves into your opposite sign, flooding your chart with love and peace. This promises a settled and convivial holiday season, with lots of opportunities for romance and togetherness. Venus isn’t finished yet, though - your ruling planet makes one more sign change on December 29th, bringing searing passion and fireworks of the good kind into your love life just in time for the New Year.
With charming Venus, your ruler, soaring to the top of your chart on January 2nd, your year is off to an excellent start in terms of ambition and career. A New Moon also occurs here on January 21st, so put that date in your diary as a good time to look for a new job or launch a new venture.
Saturn’s change of signs on March 7th does put limits on your potential for networking and collaboration, but on the other hand, that makes this part of the year good for working alone. If you’d like to work from home or become self-employed, this could be your chance. With Saturn now finally out of your career zone, where it has been holding you back since 2020, it’s full steam ahead.
Importantly, Pluto changes signs on March 23rd and moves into the ambitions zone of your natal birth chart for the first time in your life. This supercharges your ambitions; it’s no exaggeration to say that you’re entering 19 years where success will become almost an obsession for you. So take this chance to make sure you’re on the right path - it will be difficult to change direction later on.
For a financial boost, look to the arrival of Venus in the money zone of your chart on April 11th. This influence is very easy-come, easy-go, so your challenge is to make sure that the extra income you enjoy doesn’t get frittered away. Later in April, be very careful to avoid underhand dealing of any kind during the Solar Eclipse on April 20th, as this will shine a spotlight on anything that you would prefer to remain secret. The Lunar Eclipse on May 5th most affects your love life, but it could also impact any financial or business partnerships, which will need your careful and truly honest handling.
The biggest news of the year for you, however, is Jupiter’s arrival in Taurus on May 16th - what an enormous boost for your abundance and prosperity! This bountiful planet is truly on your side, and during the following 12 months, it will bring you many opportunities. The first of these is likely to be evident during the Taurus New Moon just a few days later on the 19th, and again on June 18th when the New Moon shines from your money zone. Something you’ll begin at this period will bear fortunate fruit during the Full Moon on August 1st.
The Solar Eclipse on October 14th highlights stress in the workplace and could have dramatic results if you’ve been putting up with too much for too long. Its twin Lunar Eclipse occurs in Taurus on October 28th and urges you to stand up for yourself - so there could be implications here for your job or career.
There’s better news on October 8th when Venus moves into your fun zone, soothing tempers and calming stress - so you may want to hang on until then before you make any drastic decisions. Whatever you decide, the signs are good for your finances, with a Full Moon on November 27th suggesting that you will see better rewards for your efforts.
2024 gets off to an adventurous start for you, with Mars heading into your travel and exploration zone on January 4th. This energy is very good for journeys of all kinds, but it does bring a restless, reckless vibe that you are not always comfortable with. However, when Venus also moves into this zone of your chart on January 23rd, love and travel may mix in a memorable way!
There is a subtle shift of energy from January 20th when Pluto settles right at the top of your chart, where it will remain for an initial 9 months before settling here for 19 years, later in November. All year, you will be searching for meaning in your reputation, your job, or your vocation.
The year’s first Lunar Eclipse on March 25th asks you to focus on your daily routines and your well-being; if you are sacrificing too much for others, that may become apparent during the Solar Eclipse on April 8th.
However, one of the most empowering moments of the year comes on April 20th, when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, blessing you with a truly magical touch - this is a peak time for manifestation and for co-creating major life changes. With a Full Moon in your opposite sign just days later on April 23rd, and your ruler Venus moving into Taurus on April 29th, don’t be surprised if one such major change features your love life.
May is a promising month for your finances and self-esteem, with the Taurus New Moon on May 7th setting a very positive tone. Your ruler Venus and abundance planet Jupiter both move into your money zone on May 23rd and 25th respectively, and a New Moon here on June 6th showcases an opportunity to reset yourself financially.
Keep working on your financial goals through July, especially with Mars due to head into this area of your natal chart on July 20th.
August and September bring romance to the forefront of your mind, with Venus heading into your dating zone on August 4th and a glorious New Moon there on September 5th - a wonderful time to find new love, with Venus also moving into your love zone on September 22nd.
However, the Lunar Eclipse on September 17th may highlight loneliness in your life or a need to belong. Use the energies of the Solar Eclipse on October 2nd to help improve your emotional well-being and your self-esteem.
On November 3rd, Mars sinks to the bottom of your chart and switches the focus to your roots and your family life. An emotional Taurus Full Moon on November 15th is a good time to process any lingering resentments or trauma, so make the most of its cathartic potential.
Be careful not to overspend during the festive season, since Venus at the top of your chart on December 6th is obsessed with status, and the Full Moon in your money zone on December 15th highlights a potential issue with your budget.
However, you end 2024 on the same adventurous note you began with, courtesy of an exciting and adventurous New Moon in your travel zone on December 30th, just in time for the new year; enjoy!
Travel, adventure, and romance link up in a very exciting way as 2024 begins, especially when passion planet Mars moves into the adventure zone of your natal birth chart on January 4th - to be joined by your ruler Venus on January 23rd.
It’s your family life that is highlighted in late January, however, with an emotional Full Moon at the very bottom of your chart on January 25th. This could signify a family celebration, or perhaps an opportunity to process old traumas or resentments.
If you are single and looking for love, the following Full Moon on February 24th is a moment packed with possibilities, shining from your dating zone. With your ruler Venus moving into your friendship zone on March 11th, this part of the year could even see a friendship become something much more significant.
Look to the Full Moon in your opposite sign on April 23rd for some glorious romance and a chance to connect to your partner on a very deep level. The following week, Venus arrives in Taurus, enabling you to wear your heart on your sleeve.
Indeed, the Taurus New Moon on May 7th is ideal for fresh starts in all areas of your life, including love.
If you hope to reignite the spark in an existing relationship, the arrival of Mars in Taurus on June 8th will certainly boost passion levels and give you plenty of reasons to smile.
Expect a focus on family during July, once Venus moves the bottom of your chart on July 11th. This gentle influence is friendly and healing, so it’s an excellent time to patch up any family rifts - the New Moon in your family zone on August 4th will help with that too.
Meanwhile, also on August 4th, Venus moves into your dating zone, ahead of a New Moon there on September 5th - so this is another good period of the year for meeting someone new or enjoying a wide range of company.
Late September sees Venus move into your opposite sign, so any new relationship may take on a firmer footing between September 22nd and October 17th.
Family dynamics are in the spotlight again on November 3rd when Mars heads into your family zone; this can create arguments and discord, but it’s also a very strong motivation to put family first as you head toward 2025.
Your career and how you make your mark in the world are likely to be major preoccupations for you throughout 2024.
That’s because game-changing planet Pluto is taking up residence at the very top of your chart, initially arriving on January 20th for 9 months, before returning - for 19 years! - in mid-November.
A desire to improve your status and to stretch your ambitions will dominate your year, but as the Full Moon at the bottom of your chart on January 25th shows, this may involve some sacrifices in your family life.
February is a full-on month for your career: between February 4th and 16th, Mercury, Mars, and your ruling planet Venus all move to the top of your chart, increasing your ambition and your enormous potential in this area. There is a stunning New Moon also at the top of your chart on February 9th so make some huge plans!
The Lunar Eclipse in your everyday work zone on March 25th may suggest issues with colleagues at work, especially if you are out of the loop or something is being kept from you. However, the powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20th gives you back your power and enables you to manifest exactly what you wish.
Watch out for overspending during May, once your ruler, luxury-loving Venus, moves into your money zone on May 23rd. The good news is that just two days later, abundance planet Jupiter heads into this area of your chart for a full year, enabling you to attract good fortune and abundance much more easily.
On June 6th a fortuitous New Moon in your money zone also increases your earning potential and is a good time to launch a new venture. With Mars arriving in Taurus just two days later, your willpower and determination are about to skyrocket.
There is also good earning potential in July, especially once Mars moves into your money zone on July 20th. Between then and the Full Moon at the top of your chart on August 19th, you have a chance to showcase your talents to the fullest.
There could be an ethical or moral issue to deal with at work around the time of the Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, which if not resolved could create drama during the Solar Eclipse on October 2nd. Honesty and transparency are vital at this time.
2024 draws to a close on the same ambitious note that has been present all year. On December 6th your ruler Venus arrives at the very top of your chart, so this year’s festive season may have a distinctly business-like edge. Watch out for debt or emotional money issues during the Full Moon in your money zone on December 15th, however - this is not a good time for emotional spending.