Lay low for the first week of this month. The less you do, the better. You won’t have all that much energy anyway. By the 4th, you’ll perk up and know what you’re doing and where you’re going. You’ve had quite an active few weeks lately, and it’s time to translate all that action into results. Walk the talk. Put your money where your mouth is. Do you. The New Moon on the 2nd and the Full Moon on the 17th both have a sense of rootedness about them. A giving up, a release of space and place. Yet, also a sweet regaining, or possibly even a renewal. Don’t be afraid to let go.
Jupiter will be doing his backward dance - aka retrograde - from the 9th onwards for a few months. In your sign, this is bound to affect you more than most. This transit urges you to look back at the last few months, since around May - and reflect on the (enormous) growth you’ve done. You’ve had opportunities come at you from every direction, possibly leaving you a little tired, perhaps even overwhelmed. A break from all the chaos couldn’t have come at a better time. You’re ready. Your connections, especially those of a romantic nature, are about to get a whole lot sexier from the 17th as Venus graces this sector. Yum.
Mercury’s move into your opposite sign on the 2nd can be a memorable transit for you. It ignites big conversations with an SO, a business partner, or a friend over the coming several weeks. And with his retrograde starting on the 25th, you’re going to enjoy his time here a little longer. Of course, this will come with its own set of challenges, such as exes appearing as if out of nowhere. Is this a sign that you’re supposed to go back? Not at all. Don’t even think about it. It may just be that doors need to be closed once and for all.