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Daily Horoscope

Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

April 25, 2024
April 26, 2024
April 27, 2024
Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

As Mercury turns direct, communication improves. Embrace a confident yet amiable demeanor to enhance your influence. Strike a balance between strength and friendship. Tap into your mentorship potential. Navigate interactions with wisdom, nurturing growth and understanding effortlessly. Just as a skilled captain charts a course, your ability to harmonize assertiveness and approachability guides your interactions. By drawing on your experience to mentor and by cultivating a balance of confidence and friendliness, you not only create positive connections but also contribute to a network of growth and learning that enriches both your journey and the journeys of those around you.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Observe unfolding events keenly. Your meticulous watchfulness will yield rewards. Valuable observations now will contribute to future comprehensive reporting. Maintain a vigilant eye to ensure accurate understanding and effective communication. Just as an attentive historian captures details for a complete narrative, your careful observations become the building blocks of informed communication. By dedicating yourself to keen observation, you not only enhance your understanding but also empower your ability to convey information accurately and meaningfully, contributing to a more comprehensive and impactful exchange of knowledge.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

With Mercury direct, embrace flexibility. Unite your team to confront shared challenges. The potential for heroism and heightened productivity awaits. Seize the opportunities of the day. A united front brings the promise of success. Adaptability and collaboration become your allies in conquering challenges together. Just as a symphony's harmonious collaboration creates a masterpiece, your team's combined efforts can lead to remarkable achievements. By harnessing the collective strengths and working together with flexibility, you not only overcome obstacles but also create an environment where success becomes a shared endeavor, fostering a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Disappointed with outcomes? Maintain faith. Persistence wields profound power. Remember, today's setback doesn't etch the blueprint of future success. Embrace the growth mindset. Every effort, no matter how challenging, contributes to the ultimate triumph. Just as a painter layers brushstrokes to create a masterpiece, your determination and perseverance build the foundation for your achievements. By nurturing a mindset of growth and resilience, you not only weather disappointments but also forge a path that leads to the eventual realization of your aspirations. Your tenacity fuels the journey toward triumph.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Sociability flourishes, becoming a source of delightful conversations. Radiate your innate warmth and charm. Your mere presence captivates and draws others in. Embrace these connections, for today's interactions hold the potential to bring forth joy and shared moments of pure delight. Just as a garden in full bloom attracts admirers, your ability to engage with genuine warmth and enthusiasm creates an atmosphere where interactions are imbued with positivity and genuine connection. By savoring these moments of joy and fostering meaningful interactions, you not only enrich your own life but also contribute to the happiness of those around you.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Mercury's direct motion enhances clarity. Expand your perspective to ease tensions. Widen your outlook and inspire positivity. Foster clear communication, as brighter interactions await. Let empathy and openness shine, illuminating your interactions with a renewed understanding. Just as a fog lifts to reveal a clear landscape, your enhanced communication and openness create an atmosphere where misunderstandings dissipate, and connections thrive. By embracing this clear communication, you not only promote harmony but also foster an environment where ideas are exchanged openly, and relationships are enriched with mutual understanding and shared positivity.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

As Mercury turns direct, it clears the path for partner and tribe discussions. Potential soars within this renewed clarity. Leverage your communication skills. Your exquisite taste gets acknowledged. With limitless potential on the horizon, embrace the opportunity for clear dialogues, influential communication, and artistic recognition. Just as a skilled conductor leads a symphony, your ability to navigate discussions and communication channels orchestrates a harmonious flow. By embracing this transformative period and making the most of your clear dialogue, you not only inspire understanding but also create an environment where your artistic talents and communication prowess flourish.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Casual conversations take an awkward turn. Expand the scope of discussions to uncover depth. Meaningful exchanges are the key to enrichment. Avoid letting discomfort linger. Embrace a range of diverse topics, fostering connections and engaging interactions that result in positive and lasting memories. Just as a gardener tends to a variety of blooms, your willingness to explore diverse conversations nurtures relationships. By steering discussions towards more meaningful realms, you not only overcome initial discomfort but also contribute to the creation of a tapestry of connections woven from authentic and profound exchanges.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Engage your comrades in strategy formulation. Align your plans with their terms. Prioritize cooperation over individual advancement. It's teamwork that fosters the path to success. Adapting to prevailing conditions enhances unity and promotes collective achievement. Just as an orchestra harmonizes various instruments, your collaboration with your peers creates a symphony of collective effort. By embracing this cooperative approach and adapting as necessary, you not only strengthen your unity but also enhance the chances of achieving shared goals, creating a legacy of accomplishment that's built on mutual support and coordinated action.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

With Mercury now direct, conversations flow more smoothly. Chaos disrupts the day, exacerbating labor-related frustrations. Take a pause, divert from your routine, and reflect on the need for change. Realign your focus, transcending momentary disarray through deliberate deviation. Just as a river carves a new path around obstacles, your ability to intentionally change course allows you to overcome disruption. By adapting your approach and seeking alternatives, you not only navigate through challenges but also elevate your resilience and creative problem-solving, ultimately forging a path toward smoother outcomes.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

In the coming days, make a wide range of connections. Your sought-after skills and knowledge are valuable assets. Share your expertise generously, as this could lead to exceptional favors. Embrace networking as a means of fostering meaningful connections. Through engagement and exchange, you pave the way for mutual benefits to arise. Just as a spider weaves an intricate web, your network of relationships becomes a tapestry of opportunities. By actively participating in these connections, you not only amplify your impact but also contribute to a supportive and collaborative community that thrives on the exchange of knowledge and goodwill.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Adopt a pragmatic stance, revealing what's hidden. Past distinctions blur, rendering personal and communal lines irrelevant. Center your attention on the present, embracing practicality. Unveil truths that guide decisions. Strive to balance individual and collective perspectives, ensuring harmonious outcomes. Just as an artist blends colors to create a harmonious palette, your ability to integrate various viewpoints fosters unity. By focusing on practical solutions that transcend personal and communal divisions, you not only uncover a deeper understanding but also contribute to a collective effort that paves the way for balanced and effective results.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Embrace vibrant and jovial energy. Approach tasks with wholehearted commitment, not just rationality. Let benevolence guide your actions, knowing that it reaps rewards. Engage in genuine interactions, infusing your endeavors with warmth and authenticity. By doing so, you pave the way for abundant positivity and fulfillment to await you. Just as a sunflower turns to face the sun, your genuine approach attracts positivity. Through your authentic interactions and wholehearted dedication, you not only enrich your experiences but also contribute to a more uplifting and harmonious environment, where rewards are reaped through the power of sincerity and joy.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, your strong resolve and keen senses serve you well. Expertise might not be necessary in this moment, so don't be disheartened. Opportunities are on the horizon. Rest assured, your assistance will be sought. Channel your energy constructively while waiting. Your skills are destined to shine brightly soon. Just as a dormant seed holds the promise of a blossoming plant, your patient and determined approach will yield remarkable results. By focusing your energy and maintaining confidence, you not only prepare for the opportunities ahead but also set the stage for your expertise to make a significant impact.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Radiate a confident aura today. Consolidate data and diverse views, unifying insights. Embrace accessibility and market readiness. Your expertise stands out prominently. Present cohesive solutions that integrate your insights. By doing so, you pave the way for success and recognition. Just as a skilled conductor harmonizes diverse instruments, your ability to synthesize information and present it cohesively generates a symphony of valuable knowledge. Through your confident approach and skillful presentation, you not only enhance the impact of your expertise but also position yourself for acknowledgment and achievement within your field.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Elusive happiness draws near, teasing destiny's promise. Hold your ground steadfastly. As eleventh-hour obstacles challenge your resolve, persevere through their taunts. Trust in your journey's course. A happy ending awaits, poised to triumph over these momentary setbacks. Just as a ship navigates through stormy waters toward calm shores, your determination and trust in your path guide you through challenges. By steadfastly maintaining your focus and pressing forward despite obstacles, you not only endure difficulties but also pave the way for the realization of the happiness that's within reach, ready to transform your journey's narrative.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Your influence reigns supreme. A mischievous smile effortlessly captivates, hinting at your depth and allure. Radiate your charm and wisdom. Today, your magnetic aura effortlessly draws positive outcomes and admiration. Sway with confidence, knowing your presence is a powerful force. Just as the moon's pull shapes the tides, your charismatic energy shapes the dynamics around you. By embracing your influence and confidently expressing yourself, you not only attract positive results but also inspire those around you with your charm and wisdom, leaving a lasting impression that enriches the interactions and experiences you encounter.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Embrace less hesitancy and more resolve. Let your determination serve as the cure for troubles. Harness the power of your mind, for it prevails over obstacles. Cultivate confidence within yourself. Today, let your unwavering mindset transform challenges into triumphs. Through the manifestation of resolute determination, pave the path for success. Just as a rock withstands the force of the waves, your determination becomes the unyielding force that shapes your journey. By cultivating a mindset of confidence and unwavering resolve, you not only overcome challenges but also create an environment where triumphs are born from your resolute attitude.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Envision an artists' hub, where you orchestrate a creative gathering. Assemble gifted souls and imaginative minds in one space. Foster collaboration, and let sparks fly. Your leadership becomes the catalyst that nurtures creativity and ignites inspiration among this gathering of talented individuals. Just as a conductor guides a symphony to create harmonious music, your ability to bring together diverse talents cultivates an environment where collective brilliance thrives. By championing collaboration and providing guidance, you not only fuel the creative spirit but also leave a lasting impact on the artistic endeavors that emerge from this shared experience.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

What started as authentic talks turned into a subtle competition. Pause today and await the arrival of an earnest mood. It's within the realm of sincerity that genuine discussions truly thrive. Taking a break from triviality fosters an environment for deeper connections and more meaningful interactions to flourish. Just as a clearing in the woods invites exploration, your decision to step back and wait for genuine engagement allows for a more enriching exchange. By valuing sincerity and embracing discussions driven by authenticity, you not only cultivate connections but also ensure that the conversations you have leave a lasting impact.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Nurture your connections by steering clear of unfair judgments. Leave the past behind and embark on a new chapter. A pristine canvas beckons, inviting you to cultivate relationships with an open heart, unburdened by old grievances. Embrace the opportunity for fresh beginnings. Just as an artist starts anew with a blank canvas, your decision to let go of old baggage allows for genuine growth. By approaching your connections with openness and a clean slate, you not only foster healthier relationships but also create an atmosphere where genuine understanding and positive interactions can flourish.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Lately, slow down life's frenetic pace. Take time to connect deeply with your beloved ones. Prioritize authenticity over haste, for loved ones can discern what's real from what's fake. Cherish the beauty of genuine interactions, as they hold a unique depth. Amid the hustle, prioritize these meaningful connections, allowing them to guide you through life's journey. Just as a leisurely stroll reveals hidden wonders, your commitment to authenticity and genuine connections brings richness to your relationships. By valuing these moments and fostering heartfelt interactions, you not only strengthen bonds but also navigate life with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Today, sought-after companionship beckons. Let your unique style and ingenuity captivate those around you. Leverage your talents to pave the way for success. Your charisma and creativity become the guiding forces that lead you to triumph. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, for your influence and achievements will flourish. Just as a skilled architect designs a masterpiece, your ability to combine your charisma and creative prowess creates a path filled with accomplishments. By embracing these opportunities and harnessing your unique talents, you not only influence your surroundings but also achieve a level of success that resonates with your individuality.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Externally, there might be hesitation, but internally, you are a visionary. Fortitude resides within your being. Today, let yourself erupt with purpose. Embrace your inner strength and display your vision and resolve outwardly. Surprise others with your true capabilities, revealing the depth of your potential. Just as a dormant volcano awakens with power, your internal fire propels you to showcase your true abilities. By embracing this transformation and boldly expressing your inner visionary, you not only surprise others but also pave the way for a journey that is guided by your inner strength and unwavering determination.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Creative tension dances delicately, maintaining a balance. Today, avoid the pitfalls of extremes. Steer clear of both stinginess and recklessness. Preserve your equilibrium, safeguarding the delicate house of cards you've built. By doing so, you maintain artistic harmony and pave the path to continued success. Just as a tightrope walker navigates with precision, your ability to find the middle ground ensures that your creative endeavors remain on steady ground. Through your careful attention to balance, you not only avoid pitfalls but also create an environment where your artistic expression thrives harmoniously, resulting in a lasting impact.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Deflect the critics and cynics by adorning yourself with the armor of charm and compassion. Prioritize your comfort, for it's well-deserved. Embrace this shield that protects you from negativity. Radiate positivity and prioritize self-care. Today, you're enveloped in a cocoon of protection and nurturing. Just as a butterfly's wings shelter it from the elements, your approach shields you from negativity's impact. By embracing this protective stance and fostering positivity, you not only safeguard your well-being but also create an environment where your positive energy and self-care efforts flourish, contributing to a vibrant and empowered you.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, a playful phase dawns upon you. Exciting revelations and connections unfold, igniting a sense of ecstasy. Share the source of your joy openly. As the day unfolds, the world comes to understand. Embrace this playful energy, as it fosters connections and deepens understanding. Let your happiness radiate outward. Just as a firework lights up the night sky, your playful energy illuminates the paths of connection and comprehension. By embracing this phase and sharing your joy, you not only uplift your surroundings but also contribute to a more connected and joyful atmosphere, leaving a lasting impression.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Current circumstances demand disciplined inventiveness, a quality abundant within you. Dedicate this day to a focused approach, and witness the transformative power of your efforts. Channel your creativity and determination, using them as tools to shape a better world. Just as a sculptor molds clay into art, your disciplined inventiveness shapes the raw materials of challenges into opportunities. By embracing this focused mindset and harnessing your creative drive, you not only overcome obstacles but also play an active role in crafting a more positive and improved reality through your dedication and ingenuity.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Your inclination toward preservation fosters a mindset of frugality. In doing so, you inspire resourcefulness and exert a positive influence. Encourage commendable practices that prioritize sustainability and efficiency. Share your wisdom not only through words but also through your actions, guiding others toward a more mindful way of living. Just as a well-tended garden yields bountiful harvests, your commitment to preserving resources creates a conscious community where responsible choices flourish. By embodying these principles and actively promoting them, you not only shape your immediate surroundings but also contribute to a collective movement toward a more sustainable and mindful future.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Embrace an unwavering determination rooted in authenticity. Let it be as impeccably pure as a crystal clear stream. Commemorate timeless principles by shedding the extras and prioritizing the essence. In doing so, let your effortless sincerity and authenticity shine brightly. As a beacon of light, embody your core values, radiating a profound impact on your surroundings. Just as a lighthouse guides ships through the darkness, your genuine determination and commitment to authenticity illuminate the path for others, inspiring them to embrace their own true essence and to create lasting positive change in their lives and the world around them.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Emotions can overwhelm, causing hesitancy to surface. Take a step back and let another's narrative mirror your feelings. Avoid rushing into action. Today, practice observation and reflection. An external perspective might illuminate your internal state, offering insights into your emotions and thoughts. Just as the moon reflects the sun's light, allowing us to see its phases, the perspective of others can reveal the nuances of your own emotional landscape. By taking this time to observe and reflect, you not only gain a deeper understanding of yourself but also pave the way for more informed and balanced decisions in the future.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Today, you can be either an unwavering ally or a formidable foe. Your versatility knows no bounds. Accommodate desires and comply readily, showcasing your adaptability. In doing so, you empower connections and foster understanding. Embrace your role as either a supportive friend or a determined opponent, for your ability to switch roles demonstrates your depth and flexibility. Just as a chameleon seamlessly blends into different environments, your versatility allows you to navigate various situations with ease, leaving a lasting impression of your adaptability and enhancing your relationships and interactions.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

The abundance of direct communication today might trigger feelings of shyness in you. While you appreciate open conversations, you also value subtler and more nuanced connections. The day might feel unsettled until you address this issue. It's important to find a balance between your desire for openness and your need for discretion in your interactions. By finding that middle ground, you can navigate the day more smoothly and foster meaningful connections that align with your preferences.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Devotion can stem from either love or fear. Today, shift your focus inward. Allow clarity to unfold as you reflect on your motives. By doing so, you can uncover the true source of your devotion. Embrace self-awareness, as it will guide you in forming authentic connections. Just as a diver explores the depths to find hidden treasures, your introspection allows you to delve into the layers of your feelings and intentions. Through this process, you not only gain a deeper understanding of yourself but also pave the way for more genuine and meaningful relationships with others.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Cheerleading and partisan politics can stifle progress. Inflexibility dims where adaptability shines. Instead of advocating blindly, impart wisdom. Embrace an open-minded approach, offering insightful perspectives to foster understanding. Your versatility becomes a positive force, enriching discussions and relationships. Just as a prism refracts light into a spectrum of colors, your diverse viewpoints contribute to a more vibrant and well-rounded discourse. By sharing your insights and promoting open dialogue, you not only bridge divides but also create an environment where ideas can flourish and collaborations can thrive, leaving a lasting impact on those around you.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Inspiration can ignite from a multitude of sources. Benefit from even the finest notions that cross your path. Maintain your integrity by acknowledging the origins of your ideas. Embrace the diverse influences that shape your creativity. Cultivate your unique creative spirit. Today, let ideas fuel your growth and self-expression. Just as a garden thrives with a variety of plant species, your creativity flourishes when nurtured by a range of inspirations. By embracing this rich tapestry of influences, you not only broaden your perspective but also contribute to a more vibrant and innovative world through your self-expression.
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  • ★★★★★
    I am overwhelmed by the level of your concerns and ability to make me relevant. God bless you abundantly in all your ways
    Ahmed Oluwatobiloba Olarewaju Sulaimon
  • ★★★★★
    Kel ur the best astrologer I've ever known. U have been my astrologer since 2001. U helped me in a time I was scared for my life. U have no idea what u did for me . I've tried other astrologers during which time u were away because of ur accident but never found any one like u. Thank u for ur services.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli thank you for all your readings and caring for me you don't beat around the bush but you don't tell me all the negatives you tell me the positives and I appreciate that I need guidance and you guide me so thank you and God bless you we all need a little guidance. Your eternal friend Steve.
    Stephen Lynn Wood
  • ★★★★★
    I enjoy receiving my horoscope in the mail it is always interesting and positive and fun. Thank you!
  • ★★★★★
    Let's just say that when I see your email, I can't help but smile and quickly go check out my horoscope. I'm learning so much about the "potentials" that the stars, the planets, and you (as a guide, an interpreter) allow me to align with (or not 😁❤️‍🩹).
    Greta Godaert
  • ★★★★★
    Great 😃 information , and research, I rely on my decisions.....
  • ★★★★
    I found your "Weekly Astro Weather for Feb. 18th-25th" to be very informative and an easy read. Thank you very much for inviting me to read it.
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for all the astrological messages that are related to my life .I always got help when I read your messages.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, I'm donalding in California. I was elated to get your text message and your challenge to make a video testimonial. I'm at a huge crossroads and starting over and I am the oldest person in the dorms at West Hills College and California. I'm going to study and get smarter and figure a way out of this little mess. I didn't know about Pisces or any of these things coming into my life and I definitely need to avoid bullying. There are and things are going to be just fine. We are interconnected, we are, we are loving, we are not competitive, and we are not.
    Don Spalding
  • ★★★★★
    Wonderful content, Often helped a lot. Thank you 💖
    Katja Alexandra
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, guys. Me and the cat here say hello, Kitty. I think anytime you got a real person that you can see talking to you is better. I think just video in general makes everything better. It's more entertaining, it's easier than reading. So if you do your own fair share of reading, it's good to just be able to listen for a change. So I think it's a good thing. I don't know if I'm answering, really what you wanted me to address, but keep up the good work. I'm enjoying it anyways. Bye, guys. Bye.
    Todd Marnie
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. How you doing? Good morning. I just like to appreciate all the encouraging things and basically, like, being. Hitting everything on in the head, what goes on through my life and everything, you know, I'm a firm believer, and it's just a real blessing to have someone like you all to, you know, with the heads up, with the presence, just everything. And I just wanted to let you know, greatly appreciate of you, you all. And, um, like, I know I have a special calling in life. Just through various things just went on in my life. I could tell. It's like, you know, I haven't been through a lot. I've been through a lot, but I always let my good outweigh my bad, always keep me a positive head. And, you know, I do my best to speak life into my situations instead of doubt and complain most of the time because I know God's got my back regardless, through anything. But I just like to thank you for all you have done. And at times, I may even forget to look on, look on here. But when I do go back and look, I catch what need to be caught, you know, it's just that, you know, it's a busy point in my life right now. Like, it's real busy and. But I still make time through it all. I just like to say I thank you and I appreciate you all for each and everything. And when I do be able to receive the funds and start investing in this and help out, I will. Until then, thank you. I love you. Thank you. Bye.
    Antowin Porter
  • ★★★★★
    Nice to not get gimmick's. You're in a class by yourself.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for taking care of us and the time to share your amazing gifts so appreciated xx
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, I have come to RELY upon your dailies (Cancer), especially your unique Rating System! Feel LOST on those rare days when I don't have that going for me! So what has become of your daily "extras"? Are you taking a break and someone is subbing for you lately? I certainly hope that is the case and that you are well! Praying for you, love you! - Lou
  • ★★★★★
    I just want you to know I absolutely love you. I rely on you. If I get rich, I'm taking you with me. I'm going to have you with me every day of my life just because it's kind of weird. It's kind of scary how dead on you are all the time. But you want to know what? I love you. Thank you for finding your way in my life. I love all your emails and everything. And sometimes it scares me and I just try to be like, okay, let me just steer away because I always feel like I'm missing out on something, being occupied by stuff I'd rather not be occupied by, entertaining people and stuff that shouldn't be, getting people blocking my blessings, I guess you'd say. But besides that, I just need to take a leap of faith and just go all in it because I know who I am, what I want and I can't get it when I'm sitting in the house not doing anything because I'm all depressed because of the people that I have, people that suck my energy away. I don't know how to explain it. Just people that front row cheer me on to fail. But seriously, I love you. Thank you. I appreciate you. Bye.
    Dani Q
  • ★★★★
    Thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Astrology has given me the best for life made me to understand what I am under life and to live on this planet I'm so happy for this deep wisdom I'm grateful.
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Hello Kelli, thank you so much for being there in dark times & providing guidance! I find your readings very accurate compared to others!! Kindly accept my gratitude!!!
    Jaspreet Dullet
  • ★★★★
    Spot on. Thanks
  • ★★★★★
    Hi there. I'm Kumpul. I have listened to my predictions and it correctly says that confidence in me and yeah, it was really nice production and I'm looking forward really nice, amazing productions from my end. And I also wanted to know about the career wise predictions and, yeah, thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Always on point. Every word about cancer and full moon is everything my love interest is going through. We are both Cancers. Thank you Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been following Kelli Fox for over a decade. Her readings are percise and quite accurate. I have also gotten quite a bit of insight from her additional reading and chart reviews. Thank you Kelli!
  • ★★★★★
    This message is right on time.
    Tiffony McCall
  • ★★★★★
    I love everything I saw today!
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you!
    Zachary Colombo
  • ★★★★★
    Ms. Kelli Fox. YOU Have Got It Going On Dear. YOUR Horoscopes are AMOUNGST ONE Of The BEST I've EVER SEEN On The Internet! , They're Accurate , Beautifully Written , & Beautifully Displayed , I Simply LOVE Reading YOUR Astrology Articles & Horoscopes , Keep Up The Awesome Work Ms. FOX.
  • ★★★★★
    They are very accurate & have helped me a lot.
  • ★★★★★
    For twelve years I keep visiting Kelli Fox to see whats up for my day, week, month and year. She explains astrology in a language I relate to.
    Shannon Laws
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, thank you so much.
    kiarash zabeti
  • ★★★★★
    I have visited your sites and shared your readings many times without knowing the work involved or the work behind it all. Thank you for your generosity and expertise. Your contributions are valuable to myself and many others. You have contributed to my personal growth, my understanding of the world and my deep compassion for all creatures. You are appreciated.
    Aurora Clair
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much for you work Kelli <3
    Tyshawn Braxton
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, Kelly. I am ready. If I had known I was going to be recording this, I would have worn some makeup. So anyway. Oh, that's my vanity speaking. Sorry about that. But anyway, I do love listening to you and I always acquire a lot of knowledge. I've been studying astrology since I was about eleven years old. I love it and I can't get enough of it. But I just wanted to let you know that I loved that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that you put on there. It's so true. We need to live life while we have it and make the best of it. And astrology will help us lead the way. I'm assured of that. Anything we can learn when it comes to astrology will only help us to live a better life. And by your volunteering all your information, I thank you a million times over. You are such an asset. And I know the stars and the planets are shining down upon you and I listen to you all the time on YouTube and your Zoom channel and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope your throat feels better. Kelli keeps drinking some hot. Thank you for everything you do. My name is Judith and I'm from Greensboro, North Carolina, and I'm a cancer and I love all of what you have to say. Thank you. Bye.
    Judith Bleiberg
  • ★★★★★
    Mahalo nunui Kelli for caring & guiding me through the darkest times. I am blessed to have you.
    Cheryl Bautista
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, the experience has been really wonderful. It gives me an insight on who I am, who I want to be. Can't wait to hear the rest. Thanks. Bye.
    Angela Cates
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, you amaze me about how well you are reading me and my loved one so well.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much, Kelli Fox, for being my astrologer. I’m always so happy and grateful to hear from you. ❤️ Winnie
    Winnie Elise
  • ★★★★★
    Growing and evolving everyday. Thanks for the guidance. Finally on the right path for the first time. My life changed once I found who I am. Had to lose everything to find who I was supposed to be. The universe has a wild way of reaching you when you're lost!
    Charley Cash
  • ★★★★★
    Glenn Twum
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for always keeping me updated. Even sometimes i get lazy of checking my emails but this is truly helpful to me.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli.
    Maria Nelia Vieira de Nobrega
  • ★★★★★
    I'm grateful for all your passion that enriches us. Lots of thanks and best wishes
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for remembering my birthday! You're the only one. The images in the video were beautiful; & I really enjoyed the music.
    Georgia Gabet
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Kelli. Thank you very much for your emails and for yourself. And I must say I take full advantage of your emails. With pleasure. And also from Numerology, of course. And you are really a lovely person. Thank you very much. Bye.
  • ★★★★★
    You are always right!!!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for the message it was spot on!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli for the inspiration, guidance, and help. Much love and appreciation.
  • ★★★★
    You're right on with so much accuracy that it was crazy and incredible at the same time!! Almost like you was in my head at times.. Def enjoyed all the insight as well and looking forward to what the future holds.. The sky is the limit.. 💫✨💫✨
    Crystal Markland
  • ★★★★★
    I found the best Astrologer. Thank you Kelli for being my mentor . I see things more clearly & trust me my thinking abilities are skyrocketing.
    Arvind kumar
  • ★★★★★
    I remember what happened in 2015, it will happen again. Thank you Kelli, I know now what to do. You are on the spot again.
    Viviane Banoun
  • ★★★★★
    You were so on point with this information , as if you were reading my mind.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been studying astrology for 40 years and this site is particularly knowledgeable and well-written.
  • ★★★★★
    I'm feeling highly blessed to be with you. You changed my life.
  • ★★★★★
    It's pretty accurate. Thank you. And I'm glad to come across you. Have a great day.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. Thank you so much. You're always helping me with your astrological knowledge. Thanks. Please pray for me. Thank you very much, Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you very much. I love it.
    Alexandra Momirovic
  • ★★★★★
    Yeah thanks Kelli I do so much appreciate your reading - it is real. I love it!
    Anthony Appiagyei
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, Kelli. I'm so appreciate of all your readings they are true. I like your readings. Thanks so much.
    Anthony Appiagyei
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    It was very nice to listen to you. Some things I really don't understand in English, but I try to put together it's very nice to listen to you. I like it very much.
  • ★★★★★
    Amazing and so in depth. You give joy and inspiration to all those who read your horoscopes.
    Helen Cooper
  • ★★★★★
    I love this has really been helpful and it gives wisdom to understand life.
    Pascal Destiny
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