September 2 - 8, 2024
All eyes this week are on Mars, your ruling planet. Tuesday - as well as some of Monday and the weekend prior - does seem to throw somewhat of a spanner in the works, as the planet of action squares off with a very uncertain Neptune. What do you want? You don’t know. How do you want it? No idea. When would you like it? Not a clue. See? It’s like that. Best to hold your horses on everything until this has passed, which will be on Wednesday, to get technical. Wednesday sees Mars galloping into your domestic sector, where he’ll be settling in for a month or two. Get ready to be cozy. But remember not to throw your toys.
September 9 - 15, 2024
Look at you go, being all organized. You did attempt this a few weeks back, with very little to no success. That wasn’t your fault at all. It was completely the planets. Now it would be your fault if you dropped the ball. Will you, though? Of course not. You’re far too smart for that. What you lack in details, you make up for with your pure enthusiasm and vigor. Channel these qualities into your domestic world, into your workday. Get moving with the mundane so that you make room for the pleasure that’s about to come your way. Oh, yes. You heard that right.
September 16 - 22, 2024
Tuesday’s Eclipse is very important for you. Not to go into too much detail, of course. Let’s just cut right to the chase. You’ve transformed enormously over the last two years, haven’t you? Your life has changed. Your relationships - and attitude to them - have shifted. You’re still in for a few more months of this, so do the work. It’ll be worth it. Get ready to fully let go of baggage that you may never have realized you were still carrying. Open up to spiritual guidance. Make an agreement with yourself to walk away from habits that aren’t helping you spiritually, mentally, or physically anymore. The power lies in your hands.