The second house is where we look in your chart to find your resources – your money and finances, but also your emotional resources, your self-esteem and your natural skills. We also look here for your personal values – the second house sheds light on what you value in life, and why.
For most of us, the one key thing that money can buy is security, so it’s no surprise that the second house also talks about your levels of emotional security – how secure – or not! – you like to feel, how you go about getting that security, and how you react when your emotional security is threatened.
The sign on the cusp of the second house, and any planets within it, tell us a great deal about your attitude towards what you have and what you’d like to have. If you spend like there’s no tomorrow, this is where that will show up. If you’re an expert money manager and a prudent investor, the second house will tell us that too. If debt leaves you lying awake at night, this house will let us know, and it will also offer some insight as to how you can get out of financial trouble.
As the planets move and transits hit your second house, we can learn when your most materially successful periods are likely to be, and when you may need to tighten your belt. We can track your levels of self-confidence too and see opportunities for you to pick up new skills – new resources, remember, going back to this house’s key theme.